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LAKE EL,MO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 18, 1989 PAGE 2 <br />disgruntled and upset by the treatment they have been receiving from <br />Oakdale and felt they can be better served by the City of Lake Elmo; <br />therefore, they are petitioning for annexation. <br />MIS/ Graves/Hunt - to accept the petition presented by the Sunburrow <br />residents <br />M/S/P Williams/Graves - to amend the motion to include direction of. the <br />City staff and PZ to evaluate the petition's impact on the City and report <br />back with their recommendations to the City Council at their earliest <br />convenience. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Graves/Hunt - to accept the petition presented by the Sunburrow <br />residents and direct the City staff. and PZ to evaluate the petitions's <br />impact on the City and report back with their recommendations to the City <br />Council at their earliest convenience. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />4. REAPP REPORT <br />A. Award of Engineering Contract; LERP EIS Review <br />Todd Williams provided a comparison of candidate Engineering Firms, <br />Hoagberg and Assoc, and DPRA & Geraghty and Miller, for Landfill EIS <br />Review and is made part of the minutes by reference (Appendix A.). <br />Williams requested he be given permission to pursue a full contract and <br />the City Attorney be authorized to review the proposed contract. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Graves - to approve pursuing negotiations of DPRA and Geraghty <br />and Miller developing the scope of working proposals and request the City <br />Attorney review the contract for the next City Council meeting. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />5. Request for Action --Roadside Clean -Up, David Johnson <br />David Johnson, Connco Shoes, wrote the City a letter concerning the <br />problem with roadside litter and discarded furniture along the roads of <br />Sections 32 and 33 of the City. Johnson asked the city change their <br />policy to simply having the City maintenance personnel pick up any of this <br />litter that is in the right-of-way as a part of their regular maintenance <br />routine. <br />Councilman Graves felt this was the consequence of having large lots in <br />the City, and he suggested the City clean up the debris once, and after <br />the initial clean-up, charge the property owner for any clean-up expense. <br />Councilman Moe stated he would rather take the expense of clean-up out of <br />the General Fund because he does riot like charging the propertyowners for <br />other people that are irresponsible. Hunt responded he felt this would <br />start a dangerous precedent. <br />Councilman Hunt and Williams favored a more aggressive enforcement of our <br />existing policies and ordinances for the rest of 1989 and re-evalute the <br />situation for 1990. Letters or contacts will be made to the involved <br />propertyowners reminding them of Clean -Up Day, May 13th, is approaching <br />