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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 18, 1989 PAGE 3 <br />for disposing of their litter. After this, we will ask them to dispose of <br />this litter at their own expense and the City intends to attach any fees, <br />for clean-up of their property, to their property taxes. <br />Councilman Hunt also suggested the City address in the Newsletter on how <br />to dispose of large objects, recycling info, and once a year drop off <br />where the City charges a small fee similar to Clean -Up days. This might <br />control some of the dumping within the City. In order to take care of the <br />refuse generated from outside of the City, we can ask the cooperation of <br />the surrounding cities, Wash. County Sheriff, and the Highway Patrol to be <br />aware of trucks or trailers that are carrying refuse in the City. <br />6. PLANNING/LAND USE/ZONING: <br />A. Comprehensive Plan Report: Dick Johnson <br />Dick Johnson reported that at the last PZ meeting comments were made as to <br />what should go into the plan. Johnson felt he was in a position now where <br />he needed direction from the Council. The plan as it now exists, with <br />some of the modifications that were recommended, some minor changes with <br />regard to goals and policies, typographical or grammatical errors, can be <br />handled by the PZ and the Subcommittee. If there are to be major changes <br />in the Goals and Policies, such as including RE Zoning, Johnson <br />recommended using a professional planner. <br />Councilman Graves stated the Plan provides a good basis to start making <br />alterations. Up until two weeks ago there was nothing in writing, in one <br />place, and felt this would be more representative of a planning document. <br />As he stated at the Joint Meeting, Graves indicated the Plan does present <br />good info but was disappointed in no long range planning, beyond year <br />1991. <br />Councilman Hunt felt the Council will have to look for a compromise <br />document that would take the overall goals and needs of the City into <br />account. By the direction of the CC, the PZ, despite their objections, <br />updated the numbers and adopted the current zoning map as the Future Land <br />Use Map. With the inclusion of Residential Estates, Hunt felt this plan <br />would get the city moving and addressing some of the future problems seen <br />over the next two years. He would not be in favor of hiring a planner, <br />without having the 1990 census, to find out how close we are to our <br />projections. Hunt would be in favor of the PZ continuing with integrating <br />this into the Plan. <br />Commissioner Johnson stated the PZ has approved a RE map as a plan for RE, <br />but believes there is a lot more to do than just inserting this map into <br />the Comp Plan. <br />Hunt responded that this is what we paid the planner for. The RE Future <br />Land Use Map, which was reviewed by the PZ, draft ordinances with comments <br />on the philosophy that was in the PZ original document, show how they <br />should not be in the actual zoning ordinances, but where it should be in <br />our ordinances. Using that particular document, modified by our PZ, could <br />be the map we need. <br />Admin. Morrison advised the Council that the RE map, which was presented <br />