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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 26, 1989 PACE 2 <br />is gravel in the ditches. Do we have to pay if the road is not <br />complete? Why is Ag zone property not assessed equally as RR Zoning? <br />If we're assessed for a certain number of lots, does the city <br />guarantee we will be able to build on these lots? Krueger suggested <br />they not pay full price for a road that is not up to full quality. <br />Steve Pott, 4212 Lake Elmo Avenue N., stated the road is rough and has <br />dips and a bike track in the shoulder. Pott asked how long will this <br />road last because he doesn't want to pay for the road twice. <br />Jed Wier, 10875 43rd St. N., stated the bottom wire of his electric <br />fence was buried with the road and they were suppose to dig it out. <br />Bohrer responded he would have this taken care of. If the road needs <br />repair in a few years, who will. pay? Pott and Wier both felt the road <br />needed another complete layer on it. <br />Ellen Wier, 4454 Kimbro Avenue N., stated the grade of the road was <br />awful.. They didn't do a good job before they put the second layer on, <br />nor did they fix all of the spots. <br />Larry Bohrer responded that the road was not inferior in quality and <br />the road was as durable, if not more than, other City streets. Bohrer <br />considered the tire tracks as cosmetic and did not affect road <br />durability or ridability. The topsoil that was in the ditches was <br />stripped back, and after the road was completed, it was laid back on. <br />It had rained several times since the topsoil was spread and the <br />topsoil had washed down to the ditch bottom and the rocks show <br />through. Bohrer added, prior to seeding, a bulldozer will be brought <br />in to scrape the topsoil back up and reshape those ditches. There <br />were 300 cu.yds. of topsoil brought in and spread in addition to what <br />was there. Bohrer explained that buildable lots have to have one acre <br />of dry land and space available for two drainfield sites, which Bohrer <br />was confident the two Kreuger parcels would show, V'i/nb$ �tl�eJwiolfjllaf <br />P(Atl k-iAJsh1+q Is/F/akit/0)Elt/htaklcion�jr4r-�pfi i.tplka ltlAiq (7cfer-hAvy <br />deitAli.64 kV A7d°4! Qbi/r)k&/1yr69(rl to/ Nb)`eilbOrl IbJfl! <br />(amended 10-17-89) Since the work that is not finished is part of the <br />construction item covered by MSA Funds, this does not affect the <br />amount of assessments. Assessments have to be certified to the County <br />prior to November 15th. <br />Mayor Dunn closed the public hearing at 7:36 p.m. <br />Councilmen Hunt and Graves have driven this road and agreed with the <br />resident's assessment of the road and asked the City Engineer what <br />alternatives does the City have. Bohrer noted the warranty is one <br />year from the date of final acceptance and covers defects in materials <br />and workmanship. Bohrer stated it would be outside of the contract to <br />require the contractor to put another layer on at a minimum <br />expenditure of $18,000 which can be charged against MSA Funds. <br />