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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 26, 1989 PAGE 3 <br />Bohrer felt the contractor did everything that was required and within <br />the tolerance that was prescribed in the specifications. Bohrer <br />agreed that different contractors do different degrees of workmanship. <br />If we cannot legally make this contractor repair the road, Bohrer <br />suggested we should close this contract and wait until next year to <br />select a contractor for repairs and charge it off to MSA Funds. <br />Councilman Graves suggested the Council bring this issue up at the <br />next meeting after Bohrer had the opportunity to go out with the <br />propertyowners to see if there is a basis to require the current work <br />to be updated. <br />MIS/ Graves/Moe - to postpone consideration of the acceptance of the <br />assessment roll for 43rd Street and Kimbro. <br />Councilman Williams didn't see the purpose of postponement; reason <br />being whether or not we can get this particular contractor to come <br />back and fix whatever is wrong, the residents are still going to have <br />to pay the assessments which are very close to what the estimate was. <br />Bohrer clarified that the Council's acceptance of the assessment roll <br />did not have any impact on certification or acceptance of the road. On <br />this basis, Councilman Graves withdrew his motion and Councilman Moe <br />withdrew his second, but noted he wanted some assurance from the <br />Council the concerns of propertyowners would be addressed. <br />M/S/ Graves/Moe - to adopt Resolution 89-44 approving the assessment <br />roll and rate of $1,086.66/Lot for the 43rd Street and Kimbro Avenue <br />Street Improvements; further, the City will pursue determination of <br />whether or not the street, does meet the construction standards for <br />smoothness. If it does not, we will require the contractor to upgrade <br />it to meet the standards. If it does, we have no other recourse to <br />require the current contractor to improve street quality. As a <br />Council we will pursue action in the Spring of 1990; including <br />possible addition of another asphalt layer on top of the current one <br />using MSA Street Maintenance Funds to cover the expense. <br />M/S/P Williams/Graves - to amend the motion to replace the wording, <br />Spring of 1990 as the timeframe for further action, with the wording, <br />reassess the quality of the road prior to expiration of the warranty <br />under the current contractor's contract. If the road still holds up <br />according to the proper standards within that time period, then during <br />the Spring,-1991, seek resurfacing of the road. using MSA Street <br />Maintenance Funds and using an alternate contractor. (Motion carried <br />5-0). <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to adopt Resolution No. 89-44 approving the <br />assessment roll and rate of $1,086.66/Lot for 43rd Street and Kimbro <br />Avenue Street Improvements; further, the Council will pursue <br />reassessment of the quality of the road, according to the proper <br />standards, prior to expiration of the warranty under the current <br />contractor's contract. If the road still holds up, according to the <br />( proper standards within that time period, then during the Spring 1991, <br />the Council will seek resurfacing of the road, if necessary, using MSA <br />Street Maintenance Funds and using an alternate contractor. (Motion <br />Carried 5-0). <br />