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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 20, 1990 PAGE 4 <br />6. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Approval of Plans and Specs for Improvement of <br />15th Street and Ordering Advertisements for Bids <br />Resolution No. 90-11 <br />In May of 1989, the City held a public hearing and subsequently <br />ordered the project. The City Engineer was directed to prepare plans <br />and specifications for the improvement of 15th Street from Inwood <br />Avenue to the West City Limits. The plans provide for complete road <br />reconstruction and improvement of sight distance. The road will be <br />reconstructed to MSA rural road standards with a 24 foot wide <br />bituminous driving surface with 4 foot wide bituminous shoulders on <br />either side. Construction will. take place in the summer of 1990. <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to adopt Resolution No. 90-11 approving the <br />plans and specifications for the improvements of. 15th Street from <br />Inwood Avenue to the West City Limits, by grading, gravel base <br />construction, and bituminous surfacing, and hereby orders the City <br />Engineer to advertise for bids for said improvements. (Motion carried <br />4-0-1 Abstain: Armstrong) <br />B. Woodbury's 1-94 Access Improvement Study <br />The City received a copy of the EAW submitted by the City of Woodbury <br />for the I-494 Access Improvement Study. Written comments will be <br />received by David Jessup, Public Works Dir., through March 9, 1990. <br />Since the City received this late in the process, Larry Bohrer <br />reported lie was not able to sufficiently review all of the documents <br />that were part of the study. Bohrer asked the Council to consider <br />postponing his formal review of these documents until the March 6th <br />Council meeting. <br />Councilman Williams asked th PZ t nevi. w thi information. There was <br />no objection from the rest oef the oCounciel to t is request. <br />7. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />Mayor Dunn reported on: <br />Lake Jane Landfill: Mary Luth, Wash Cty, is working with the counties <br />and hopes to bring a proposal to their respective counties, Ramsey and <br />Washington, late in March. Mary Luth will keep the City informed. <br />Stillwater Chamber of Commerce: The City received a booklet of <br />membership directory and newsletter.. <br />Welcome Book: Mayor talked to Debbie Krueger who was happy about <br />copies made of the Welcome Book. <br />_ Olympic Festival Committee: July 3rd scheduled for the Olympic Torch <br />Run in Lake Elmo <br />