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02-06-90 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-06-90 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 6, 1990 PAGE 3 <br />Councilwoman Armstrong stated she drove up to the site, saw where the <br />well was staked and found there was an extreme drop down to the lake. <br />She was in favor of anybody repairing their septic system when <br />necessary. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Williams -• to approve the Shoreland Permit and <br />Variance to setback from OHWM for Patrick Flanagan, 4473 Olson Lake <br />Trail, to replace septic system with the hardship being the location <br />of the house and the well and the topography of the land.. (Motion <br />carried 4-0). <br />B. PUBLIC HEARING: Variance from road right-of-way and <br />Shoreland Permit for Addition to Existing Structure <br />David & Mary Brown, 7990 N. 50th St. <br />Mayor Dunn opened up the public hearing at 7:20 p.m. in the City <br />Council chambers. The Public Hearing Notice was published and <br />adjacent property owners were notified. There was no one to speak for <br />or against the application. <br />David and Mary Brown, 7990 50th St. N., have applied for a permit to <br />construct a 7' x 13' desk and screened porch on the lake side of their <br />home. They are in the Shoreland District of. Lake Olson and shoreland <br />regulations apply. <br />The deck is proposed to be about 65 feet from OHW mark where 1.00 feet <br />is required; therefore, a variance has been requested. The deck would <br />not extend beyond the front of the house, which is an existing <br />non -conformity for setback. The hardship given was the deck would not <br />increase the non -conformity which already exists for the house. <br />Mayor Dunn closed the public hearing at 7:2,2 p.m. <br />Councilman Hunt was by the area and didn't see any problem with <br />flooding because the house was suitably far away. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong visited the site and found the deck, which <br />would not have a foundation, would not be as close to the lake as the <br />actual house. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to approve the Shoreland Permit and Variance to <br />the front setback from the road right-of-way for the purpose of David <br />& Mary Brown, 7990 N. 50th St, constructing an addition of a. 7' x 13' <br />deck and screened porch to an existing single family dwelling based <br />on the hardship being the deck would not increase the non -conformity <br />which already exists for the house. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />C. Shoreland Permit: Addition to Existing Structure <br />Stephen & Elizabeth Johnson, 2945 Lake Elmo Avenue <br />Stephen Johnson, 2945 Lake Elmo Avenue, has applied for a permit to <br />construct an addition onto his house. This lot is within the <br />Shoreland District and shoreland regulations apply. The addition will <br />add a familly room and kitchen and expand an existing bedroom. Since <br />one existing bedroom will be abandoned and a new one added, there was <br />
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