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02-06-90 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-06-90 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 6, 1.990 PAGE 4 <br />no net change for septic system sizing. (The septic system was <br />replaced recently). All building setbacks can be met and no variances <br />are required. <br />With this Shoreland application, Larry Bohrer pointed out there was a <br />drawing for driveway access to 30th Street. When Rohrer spoke to Mr. <br />Johnson, Johnson assumed that the driveway request was part of this <br />permit application. Therefore, Bohrer reviewed both requests. See <br />Larry Bohrer's letter, dated January 31, 1990 . Bohrer stated the <br />proposed driveway to 30th street will serve the accessory structure <br />that was recently approved. The concerns for this driveway are proof <br />of ownership and drainage. <br />The Council received a letter from Attorney Alan Tschida representing <br />the Taylors, property owners to the west, regarding court <br />determination of ownership of this 33' easement. <br />Armstrong voiced, her concern, if this permit was approved for an <br />addition, would it further complicate this property at the back. if <br />this problem with the Taylors cannot be resolved„ she didn't see any <br />way you could get to the pole barn. If in the future the Johnson's <br />were to come back to the Council and ask for a variance because this <br />addition has caused a hardship, the hardship would have been created <br />by their own actions. <br />Liz Johnson, applicant, explained there is room on the south side of <br />the house to get building materials into the back of the house. I£ <br />the issue of ownership of the 33' easement doesn't get resolved, <br />Johnson stated she understood the pole shed could not be built. At <br />this time, Johnson asked the Council not to consider the driveway <br />permit request. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Armstrong - to approve the shoreland permit for an addition <br />to the existing structure for Stephen and Elizabeth Johnson, 2945 Lake <br />Elmo Avenue, and that the record reflect the applicant requested the <br />driveway issue not be considered at this time. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />D. "The Forest", Development Stage and Rezoning <br />At the September 26, 1989 Council Meeting, approval of the Development <br />Stage Plan was postponed because Lots 7, 8 and 9 did not have at least <br />one (1) acre of land suitable for septic system purposes. The soil <br />was suitable, but the drainage easement established by the VBWD at <br />elevation 917 occupied the western portion of the lots. The developer <br />has proposed to fill out into the drainage easements to achieve the <br />one -acre of high ground. This method was acceptable to VBWD as long <br />as the filling does not the flood level by more than 0.1 foot. <br />Larry Bohrer pointed out in his letter, dated February 1st, the <br />revised preliminary plat shows a revision in the road alignment at the <br />west end of the platwhich was not requested by the City. The <br />developer changed the relatively straight road to one that has two <br />sharp reverse curves just before the cul-de-sac in order to save some <br />significant trees. The sharp back-to-back curves would only allow a <br />safe speed of 15-20 mph. In his opinion, this would create a <br />
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