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02-06-90 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-06-90 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 6, 1990 PAGE 5 <br />hazardous condition and should not be approved. Bohrer suggested the <br />road alignment should more closely conform to the preliminary plat <br />previously reviewed by the City dated September 26, 1989. <br />The Maintenance Foreman asked if he would be able to get his equipment <br />in for snowplowing. The lane that goes around is 24' wide so Bohrer <br />did not believe this would be too small for the type of equipment he <br />would use. By opening up the entrance to the cul-de-sac by a teardrop <br />shape, Bohrer felt this would be beneficial to school busses, would <br />increase the site distance into the cul-de-sac and snowplowing would <br />be made easier. <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to grant Development Approval for The Forest, <br />based on the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and based on <br />the following conditions: (Motion carried 4-0). <br />(1) The staff prepare an ordinance for the rezoning of this <br />parcel from AG to R1. <br />(2) The City Attorney shall draw up a PUD Development Agreement <br />which stipulates the specific terms and conditions <br />established and approved by the City Council and accepted <br />by the applicant. <br />(3) The applicant pay a park dedication fee of $450 for each of <br />the newly created lots. <br />(4) The road plan shown on Preliminary Plat dated September 26, <br />1989 shall be used and the grading plan for Lots 7,8, & 9 <br />dated January 18, 1990 shall be used. <br />E. Packard Park 3rd Addition <br />Resolution NO. 90-9 and Developer's Agreement <br />At the January 2nd meeting, the Council approved the final plat of <br />Packard Park 3rd Addition and directed the staff_ to prepare the <br />necessary resolution and developers' agreement. A draft copy of the <br />resolution along with the developers' agreement was provided. for <br />Council. review. Councilman Williams pointed out the word "developers" <br />(plural) should be used consistently through the agreement. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to adopt Resolution 90-9 accepting the final <br />plat of Packard Park 3rd Addition, and to instruct the Mayor and City <br />Administrator to sign the proposed development agreement; contingent <br />upon applicant providing Performance Assurance in the amount of <br />$155,000.00, and contingent upon applicant meeting all other <br />conditions set forth in the Resolution. (Motion carried 3-1: <br />Armstrong: Based on the reasons the Planning Commission voted 6-2 to <br />deny the Final Plat of Packard Park 3rd Addition.) <br />F. Comprehensive Plan Update <br />Mike Black, James R. Hill, Inc., reviewed a draft copy of the Ci.ty's <br />1990 Comprehensive Plan (pages 1 through 53). Mr. Black read the <br />written materials, but had not reviewed the map and exhibits which <br />
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