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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL, MINUTES FEBRUARY 6, I.990 PAGE 6 <br />will be included in the plan. His comments are noted in his letter <br />dated February 6, 1990, to the City Council. <br />For Council consideration, Councilman Williams handed out a proposed <br />Future Land Use Map showing less RE (2.5 acre) zoning. Williams <br />proposed this map be taken to the Public Hearing as our Future Land <br />Use Map. Fie explained now our overall density is 5.47 acres per house. <br />The PZ map shows extensive RE (2.5 acres) which would bring the <br />average lot size down to 2.6 acres per house. (The Met Council has <br />indicated they would like 10 acres average for an unsewered area). The <br />map presented by Councilman Williams would bring the average to <br />approx. 3 to 3.5 acres per house. The Planning Commission will review <br />this Future Land Use Map at their February 12th meeting. <br />The Council set up a Comprehensive Plan Workshop --Future Land Use Map <br />with Planner, Mike Black, for Tuesday, February 13th at 7:00 p.m. in <br />City Hall. <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Draft Ordinance for Drainfields <br />At the January 2, 1990 Council meeting, the staff was directed to <br />submit suggested wording to clarify the "one acre of land suitable for <br />drainfield purposes" rule. The present wording does not conform to <br />the wording in the proposed Comprehensive Plan and needed <br />clarification because it requires two standards. <br />In his letter, dated January 31, 1990, Larry Bohrer recommended <br />proposed revisions to the "One Acre" Rule. <br />Th.e Council reviewed the proposed wording and made the following <br />changes: In Item 2. Add: PF and P Zoning Districts to the already <br />stated GB, HB or CB Zoning Districts. In. the last sentence of the <br />paragraph wording was added:.... sewage flow will exceed 3600 gallons <br />per day, as determined by the City Engineer, suitability..... Item 3. <br />was deleted. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to call a public hearing for March 6, 1990 to <br />consider amending the Lake Elmo Municipal Code to incorporate the <br />clarification for drainfields proposed by the City Engineer in his <br />memo dated January 31, 1990 and amended at the February 6, 1990 <br />Council meeting. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />The City Attorney will scrutinize the proposed revision before the <br />Public Hearing. <br />8. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />A. Draft Ordinance for Use of RV by Handicapped Persons on <br />City Streets <br />At a previous Council meeting, Mr. David Siedow inquired about use of <br />RV's by handicapped persons on City Streets. The City Attorney was <br />directed to investigate the State Law that allows for cities to set <br />