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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 1, 1990 PAGE 3 <br />in his memo, dated April 27, 1990, that after inspecting the tenant <br />( spaces at Trans City, meeting with Washington County Public Health and <br />speaking with Mr. Brott, MPCA, he did not feel there is a violation of <br />Trans City's C.U.P. (See J.McNamara's letter dated Apil 27, 1990). <br />Mary Ann E. and H. Brent Archer, Glass Etc., gave a presentation on <br />the process used in creating their finished product. The Council was <br />provided with a statement from Gary LeGand, Env. Specialist of 3M <br />Graphic Products Marketing, that there were no peculiar chemical <br />qualities or unusual ingredients which would make the 3M products they <br />use unusually hazardous either as inventory or as generators of waste. <br />Copies were provided of the statement from Dr. Bruno Staffen, Senior <br />Environmental Employee, stating the federal legal definition of <br />storage. (See attachments) <br />Councilman Williams indicated his appreciation to Glass Etc. for <br />coming before the Council with their presentation. He added, I had <br />stated, if any violation to the C.U.P. existed I believed it would <br />have been unintentional. When he asked the Building Official if <br />hazardous materials were being stored, he could not answer this <br />question and was unable to get the answer to him by the next Council <br />meeting. Based on the advice of our City Attorney, I requested we <br />postpone consideration of the C.U.P. until an inspection was made. As <br />a result of the inspection by the Bldg. Official and a. rep, from the <br />County Health Dept., Williams expressed his satisfaction there was no <br />violation to the C.U.P. This is the type of business we would like to <br />have in our community and welcome Glass Etc, into our city. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to accept the letter of April 27, 1990 from Jim <br />McNamara (Motion carried 5-0). <br />Councilwoman Armstrong has checked the site and had no problem with <br />the proposed storage. <br />Councilman Williams requested the following condition to be added to <br />the C.U.P. Condition No. 7: Screen of double row of evergreen trees <br />(no size specified) shall be maintained along the north side of fence. <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to adopt Resolution No. 90-20, A Resolution <br />Amending Resolution 88-14 to include Outside Storage as Part of An <br />Alternate Agricultural Conditional Use Permit; including Condition No. <br />7 as stated, to Howard Gelb and Trans -City Investments. (Motion <br />carried 5-.0). <br />B. Ray Salus - CUP Application for Golf Driving Range <br />Background Information: <br />In October, 1989 Mr. Salus applied for a large lot subdivision and a <br />rezoning from RR to PF to allow for a Golf Driving Range on his <br />property south of Cimarron. (Prior to Mr. Salus' application, S. <br />Blasko was granted a similar request for property just south of <br />Oak -land Junior High School). After Blasko's request was approved, the <br />Planning Commission determined that Golf Driving Ranges were not <br />specifically allowed in the PF zoning district. The City Council <br />charged the PZ with dealing with this issue and to return to the <br />