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05-15-90 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-15-90 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 15, 1990 PAGE 6 <br />filling, the home is no longer within the flood plain or lower than <br />the OHW. (See Chandler letter dated 4/4/90). <br />(2) A letter was submitted from DNR stating they could not approve <br />any further waterward encroachment at this site and would be opposed <br />to a variance or the walkway. They realize that there are decks <br />constructed on other non -conforming houses, but none of these houses <br />have footings in the lakebed. This structure is at a zero setback <br />from the OWHW elevation, and prior to filling, was in the lakebed. <br />(See DNR letter dated 5/10/90). <br />(3) A letter from Mrs. Carl Paul, neighbor to Mr. Kiesling, <br />indicating her approval for construction of a deck. <br />Larry Bohrer reported the elevations and measurements the DNR quoted <br />are accurate. When the original owner had the house it was below the <br />OHWM, and there was water in the lower level for years. When the <br />house was raised, the footings were put below the original lakebed <br />elevation. The lakeside of yard is not natural --it was created by <br />fill. Therefore, whatever setback there is, exists by virtue of fill <br />being placed. The setback was created. The Keane house was in the <br />Flood Plain. <br />Councilman Hunt asked for clarification of the DNR's original position <br />on the permits to allow this house to be reinhabited and what numbers <br />the DNR were working from. <br />Bohrer felt the DNR was saying the fill was placed by a variance to <br />the regulations, and now, because the variance was granted, that is <br />being used as .justification for another variance. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong pointed out in the August 1, 1989 Council <br />Minutes the staff recommended neither these proposed, nor any future <br />variances be allowed on this property based on its close proximity to <br />the lake. The applicant was informed by the DNR, by a letter to David <br />Keane and subsequently transferred to Mr. Kiesling, clearly stating <br />that no deck would be allowed. <br />Acting Mayor Williams closed the public hearing at 9:17 p.m. <br />The Council asked the City Administrator to request clarification from <br />the DNR as to the reason for their position. Was it based on Mr. <br />Kiesling being here for a variance now because he had a variance <br />granted previously? Is the DNR aware of what the VBWD claims to be the <br />current elevation and current setback? If they were not aware of <br />this, would these figures change their mind. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Graves - to postpone consideration until the June 5, 1990 <br />City Council meeting in order to receive clarification from the DNR. <br />(Motion carried 4-0). <br />E. Shoreland Permit: David Brown, 7990 50th Street N. <br />David Brown has applied for a shoreland permit tq c n truct a 26' x <br />20' garage on their property at 7990 50th St. Jim c amara, Building <br />
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