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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 15, 1990 PAGE 7 <br />Official, reported in his letter dated 5/15/90 that all setback <br />requirements can be met for the garage. Therefore, no variances are <br />necessary. The Brown's septic system was updated by the 201 program <br />and is an off -site system making use of the mound East of their <br />property. The location of the proposed garage is appropriate for this <br />lot. The minimal amount of fill needed is to be placed in the <br />location of the proposed garage in order for the structure to have a <br />proper elevation for surface water runoff. <br />M/S/P Graves/Armstrong - to approve a shoreland permit for David <br />Brown, 7990 50th Street N., to construct a 26' x 20' garage based on <br />Jim McNamara's letter stating all setback requirements can be met; <br />therefore; no variances are necessary. (Motion carried. 4-0). <br />F. Application for Conditional Use Permit <br />Ron Mack/Ron's Sanitation, 5749 Lake Elmo Avenue <br />Ron Mack, Owner of Ron's Sanitation, has applied for a Conditional Use <br />Permit to store his trucks from his sanitation business at 5749 Lake <br />Elmo Avenue in the RR Zoning District. <br />The Planning Commission held a public hearing on April 23, 1990 and <br />recommended (9-0) the Council not grant a CUP to operate Ron's <br />Sanitation in a Rural Residential Zoning District because this use was <br />not in compliance with the Comp Plan and not compatible to the RR <br />Zoning District. <br />Ray Flynn, Attorney for Ron Mack pointed out contrast of various <br />other uses in the RR Zoning District which this property is currently <br />zoned: <br />1. Asphalt Plant received a C.U.P. in a RR Zone. <br />2. Mr. Bergmann runs a nursery which is a commercial operation and <br />a concrete business at the same location with a C.U.P. based <br />on plant growing. <br />3. Mr. Powers has been running a dog kennel for 7 or 8 years with <br />no C.U.P. <br />4. An individual is storing construction equipment about <br />one-half mile South of this property with no C.U.P. <br />Flynn raised the question "does Mr. Mack need a C.U.P. to store his <br />trucks on the property? The request is not to run his business out of <br />this property." <br />The Council pointed out the asphalt plant was temporary in order for <br />Hwy. 36 to be paved. This saved the taxpayers money, traffic time, <br />wear and tear on the freeway and was totally cleaned up. <br />Dan Powers stated his hobby is raising 3 adult dogs and. 1 National <br />Champion. He has one litter a year. He shows the dogs, but there is <br />no grooming or operates a commercial operation. Powers stated "I <br />agree I stand in arrears in not applying for the proper permit." <br />