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05-15-90 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-15-90 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 15, 1990 PAGE 8 <br />Eileen Bergmann stated they were zoned Agriculture, not Rural <br />Residential. They are running a farming operation. Along with this <br />operation, they do not sell anything but what goes along with a <br />nursery; such as, plants, fertilizer and pots. <br />Irving Anderson, Maplewood, stated he was at the PZ meeting and <br />believed the PZ erred in their interpretation of the reqeust. <br />Discussion centered around operating a business from the property, <br />itself, as opposed to the request for storage of vehicles. Mr. Mack <br />does not conduct his business from that location. The business is <br />conducted on public streets, collecting refuse from homes, and <br />dropping off the refuse at the plant. Mr. Mack will continue to <br />operate his business out of Maplewood and would strictly store his <br />trucks on this property. His son, who works for the business, would <br />live in the home at 5749 Lake Elmo Avenue. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Graves - to deny the request for a Conditional Use Permit <br />by Ron Mack, Ron's Sanitation, for 5749 Lake Elmo Avenue based on this <br />use is not in compliance with the Comp Plan and not compatible with <br />the designated Rural Residential Zoning District and based on the PZ's <br />recommendation (9-0) for denial. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />G. Application for Conditional Use Permit for Golf Driving Range <br />Ray Salus, 404 Lake Elmo Avenue <br />The Planning Commission held a public hearing on April 23rd on Ray <br />Salus' request for a C.U.P. to operate a Golf Driving Range in the RR <br />Zoning District. The PZ tabled action until. the May 14th PZ meeting, <br />but the applicant appeared before the Council on May 1st to get a <br />consensus of how the Council felt about this proposal. The minutes <br />indicate the majority of the Council members had no problem with the <br />Golf Driving Range, but were not in favor of the minature golf course. <br />Ray Salus has removed the minature golf course from this proposal. <br />At their May 14th meeting, the PZ discussed this property be <br />downgraded to AG with a variance to size (property is 28.5 acres in <br />size where the code requires 40 acres) and a C.U.P. for the golf <br />driving range. The PZ deemed the land use appropriate for a golf <br />driving range for this property, but with no recommendation as to the <br />method the Council use to allow the proposal, provided the following <br />conditions for a Conditional Use Permit are followed. (See draft PZ <br />Minutes 5/14/90). <br />Dick Herold, Washington County, asked the Council to consider proper <br />control at the intersection and asked they allow the Wash. Cty. <br />Traffic Eng, review the site plan. <br />Councilman Williams indicated, at this time, he did not see a hardship <br />for a variance and pointed out economics cannot be used as a hardship. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Armstrong - to postpone consideration for a C.U.P. until <br />such time the City Administrator can schedule a public hearing by the <br />Planning Commission for a rezoning from RR to Ag. (Motion carried <br />4-0). <br />
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