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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 15, 1990 PAGE 9 <br />H. "The Forest" Developer's Agreement <br />Larry Bohrer reported he has reviewed and recommends approval of the <br />Construction Plans dated May 1, 1990, the Specifications dated April <br />2, 1990 and the plat received in this office on May 4, 1990 prepared <br />for The Forest by BRW, Inc. Upon execution of the developer's <br />agreement and delivery of the developer's security, the City will sign <br />the final plat. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Graves - to approve the Residential Planned Unit <br />Development Agreement for The Forest. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />I. CSAH 35 (50th Street) Improvements <br />Dick Herold, Washington County, explained the County has prepared <br />plans for the reconstruction of CSAH 35 (50th Street) from Olson Lake <br />Trail to Hadley Avenue. The major features will be construction of a <br />44' wide urban design street with concrete curb and gutter and storm <br />sewer. The improvements affecting Lake Elmo will be improvement of <br />sight distance over the hill between Olson Lake Trail and Hilltop <br />Avenue, re -aligning Hilltop Avenue intersection to perpendicular with <br />50th Street and improvement of the drainage east of Olson Lake Trail <br />by diverting water from the south ditch of 50th Street to the north <br />ditch by installation of a storm sewer. There is no cost to Lake Elmo <br />for these improvements. <br />Larry Bohrer has reviewed the plans and resolutions and recommended <br />their approval. <br />M/S/P Graves/Armstrong - to approve Resolution 90-21, A Resolution <br />Approving Plans for Project No. S.A.P. 82-635-02 for Reconstruction or <br />Improvement of County State Aid Highway No. 35 within the Limits of <br />the City as a State Aid Project. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Hunt - to approve Resolution 90-22, A Resolution <br />requiring the City of Lake Elmo require parking of all vehicles within <br />the corporate limits on this County State Aid Highway be parallel with <br />the curb in accordance with the State -Aid. Standards. (Motion carried <br />4-0). <br />J. Repeal of Appendix E requiring sprinkling of commercial <br />structures which exceed 5000 square feet <br />Guardian Angel's Church and Washington County have plans for building <br />construction and indicated it would be cost -prohibitive to provide <br />sprinkler protection under this ordinance. (See letter from Guardian <br />Angels Church, 4-11-90). The Council received information from Afton <br />and St.Croix Beach as to their reasons for rescinding the sprinkler <br />system requirement. <br />Administrator Kueffner reported Fire Chief, Dick Sachs, indicated it <br />was his obligation to recommend adoption of the sprinkling <br />requirement. <br />