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06-05-90 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-05-90 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 5, 1990 PAGE 2 <br />Mayor Dunn and Councilwoman Armstrong agreed to a possible 4% increase <br />( and nothing higher. Armstrong noted DPRA could find answers to their <br />surface water questions from the VBWD information that was submitted <br />to them. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Armstrong - to postpone consideration of DPRA Contract <br />until the June 19th City Council meeting. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />B. Solid Waste Committee Request <br />Margaret Carlson, Solid Waste Committee member, requested the City <br />Administrator write a letter to the Olympic Festival Committee and <br />Washington County encouraging them to use paper products during the <br />Olympic Festival. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Armstrong - to direct the City Administrator write a letter <br />to the Olympic Festival Committee and to Washington County <br />recommending paper products be used in conjunction with all activities <br />in the City of Lake Elmo. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />6. Community Volunteer Service: <br />Barrett Colombo and Bruce Abercrombie <br />Mr. Colombo explained the Community Volunteer Service is a non-profit, <br />tax-exempt organization that has been serving Washington County <br />residents for over 21 years providing help to individuals in areas <br />where there were no existing program and encourage and support <br />volunteerism as a means toward bettering the community we live in. <br />They requested from the City a contribution of $500.00 toward the <br />services that are provided the citizens of Lake Elmo. <br />Mayor Dunn recognized the array of services and program as being <br />valuable to our citizens, but indicated money had not been set aside <br />for such a request in the City's budget. Therefore, the Council will <br />bring this request back for consideration at budget time. <br />7. SW1 - Agreement to Provide Public Water to Well Advisory Area <br />The Council received a copy of the proposed contract between Lake Elmo <br />and Washington and Ramsey Counties to provide water, via Oakdale to <br />those homes in the well advisory area. The City Engineer and City <br />Attorney have reviewed this contract and their concerns had been <br />addressed by the Counties. Mary Luth, Wash. Cty. Public Health <br />reported final action on the proposed agreement was anticipated by <br />both Ramsey County and Washington County Boards on June 26th; <br />contingent on positive action by both cities prior to June 19. <br />The Council suggested the following wording to be added to Item 2A of <br />the agreement: "Lake Elmo agrees that no additional hookups will be <br />made to the water system unless there is clearly demonstrated a <br />capacity to serve all the fully developed area in the Well Advisory <br />Area". Mary Luth said she would take this language and incorporate it <br />into the agreement. The City Administrator will poll the Council for <br />approval on the new wording change. <br />
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