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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 7, 1.990 PAGE 2 <br />City Engineer Bohrer explained 24th Street is the thru street and 24th <br />Street Court is the cul-de-sac to the south. Generally, stop signs <br />are to assign right-of-way, not to control speed. The street is still <br />under construction and speed limits signs have not been erected. <br />There will be a 30 mph speed limit because it is an urban residential <br />street. Unless there is a particular sight distance problem with the <br />intersection, Bohrer would recommend stopping the cul-de-sac traffic <br />and allowing the thru movement to continue through. Bohrer will look <br />at the situation to make sure there are no sight distance problems and <br />report back to the Council. <br />6. Metropolitan Airport Commission <br />Mark Ryan and Greg Aljberg, Metropolitan Airport Commission (MAC) <br />reviewed the Lake Elmo Airport Master Plan (Comprehensive Plan) which <br />was adopted in 1976. <br />Growth of aviation activity at Lake Elmo Airport has been much less <br />than forecasted in 1976 plan: <br />1976 1989 1990 Preliminary <br />Forecast for 1995 Actual Forecast for 2010 <br />Based Aircraft 535 173 265 <br />Aircraft Operations 370,000 65,900 133,000 <br />Environmental concerns, such as noise impact, groundwater <br />contamination, impact on wetlands; were discussed. Since this area is <br />planned only for residental growth and not industrial or commercial by <br />the City of Lake Elmo or the surrounding communities, the public asked, <br />what basis were their plans for expansion based upon. Mr. Ryan <br />responded the personal or recreational flying will continue to use <br />this airport. Councilman Williams, respectfully requested monitoring <br />air traffic on weekends versus weekdays, and add in the plan the <br />statement, "the surrounding communities have always been opposed to <br />the expansion plan proposed in 1976". As City Engineer for Lake Elmo, <br />Bohrer voiced the concern on surface water runnoff from the airport <br />into Downs Lake be addressed in the study. Mr. Ryan indcated these <br />concerns will be brought to their commissioners. Public comments <br />should be sent to: Commissioner Virginia Lanegran, Metropolitan <br />Airport Commission, 6040 28th Aveune S., Mpls., MN 55450. <br />7. PLANNING/LAND USE and ZONING: <br />A. Stephen & Elizabeth Johnson: Shoreland Permit for Driveway <br />2945 Lake Elmo Avenue <br />In his review letter, dated January 31, 1990, City Eng. Bohrer <br />suggested that the Shoreland Permit be granted providing the following <br />conditions were met: (1) Show proof of ownership to the 33' strip to <br />the satisfaction of the City Attorney. This has been demonstrated. <br />(See Attorney Knaak's letter dated July 20, 1990). (2) Have the strip <br />of land staked by a registered land surveyor. Bohrer stated this has <br />been done, (3) The design of the private storm sewer shall be approved <br />