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08-07-90 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-07-90 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 7, 1990 PAGE 3 <br />by the Engineer. Bohrer has not seen a design, but the applicant had <br />stated on the phone he would provide for the drainage by installing a <br />catch basin and a storm sewer that would drain the intersection of his <br />driveway on 30th Street and pipe the water southerly onto a low area <br />on the applicant's own property, and (4) Elevations need to be <br />verified and the need for a driveway culvert at 30th Street shall be <br />determined by the Engineer. <br />Councilman Williams voiced his concern that any drainage system would <br />become frozen and not operate as intended. Any fill put in will <br />increase the amount of spreading of water that normally collects there <br />and eventually spill over into the neighbor's property and threaten <br />their septic system. Williams asked this concern be addressed by the <br />City Engineer. <br />M/S/P Graves/Williams - to postpone consideration until the applicant <br />has provided the City Engineer with the design for a private storm <br />sewer for his approval and the engineer will determine the need for a <br />driveway culvert at 30th street. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />B. Joseph Kiesling: Shoreland Permit & Variance <br />9359 Jane Road, North <br />M/S/P Dunn/Graves - to bring back for Council consideration the <br />Shoreland Permit and Variance request of Joseph Kiesling. (Motion <br />carried 4-0). <br />At the July 21, 1990 meeting, the Council, on a 2-1 vote, approved the <br />variance request by Mr. Kiesling. Since then the City received a <br />letter from the DNR, dated August 7, 1.990, stating, based on their <br />review of the City's decision on the deck variance, they are appealing <br />the Council's decision under Section 301.060.C.2-Appeals of the City <br />of Lake Elmo Municipal Code based on reasons stated in correspondence <br />to the City and DNR Permit #88-6068. <br />The City Attorney noted the DNR has control of the shorela.nd district <br />and the local governing body is the enforcing agent to the Minnesota <br />Department of Natural Resources. The Council does not have the <br />authority to overrule the DNR, (State Statute takes precedence over <br />our City Code). Therefore, Attorney Knaak stated, since there was a <br />misunderstanding by the Council on DNR's authority, he suggested the <br />Council rescind the variance previously granted. <br />M/S/P Williams/Graves - to rescind the variance previously granted by <br />the Council to Joseph Kiesling for construction of a walkway based on <br />findings stated in July 17, 1990 City Council Minutes with the <br />addition to No. 7: The DNR has statutory authority to prohibit this <br />variance from being granted. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />C. Letter from Tim Mandel <br />The City received a letter from Tim Mandel, 2479 Lisbon Avenue, making <br />a formal complaint based on his observations that the home at 2461 <br />isuQroetesoi iueddule Te Ta airaasoaab}enq Ave comp s o de n ig or oo�a e n ivi ua <br />
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