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Renumber remainder of items and CHANGE 4. to read: <br />ow <br />4. All erosion and sediment control measures shall be <br />installed prior to alteration and maintained until turf <br />is established. The District Engineer shall be notified <br />prior to commencement of grading to schedule an <br />inspection of the project's erosion controls. The <br />erosion controls must be in place and properly installed <br />before grading will be allowed to commence. <br />5. All construction -related sediment shall be removed from <br />ponding areas upon completion of construction. <br />6. The local governmental unit shall be responsible for all <br />11 detention pond maintenance with n the d ainage easement. <br />bryrer ; \f N` k �ip n� NNe -A-6 a `4V1-3 l <br />- - -SECTION-IX.__WETLANDS SSANAG_EMENT__ <br />Subd 1. Policy <br />To achieve a no net loss of existing wetlands, as shown on the current <br />United States Fish & Wildlife Service's National Wetland Inventory Maps, and <br />the Water Resources Inventories prepared by Washington Soil and Water <br />Conservation District dated September, 1982. <br />The District finds that wetlands provide public value by conserving <br />surface waters, maintaining and improving water quality by reducing the <br />stormwater sediment load, preserving recreational opportunities, reducing the <br />rate of stormwater runoff through floodwater retention, reducing stream <br />sedimentation, contributing to improved subsurface moisture, and enhancing <br />the natural beauty of the landscape; and that it is in the public interest to <br />promote comprehensive water management by regulating activities that destroy <br />or diminish wetlands. <br />Subd. 2. Wetlands Definition <br />Wetlands are lands transitional between terrestrial and aquatic systems <br />where the water table is usually at or near the surface or the land is <br />covered by shallow water. An undisturbed wetland has the following three <br />attributes: <br />1. At least periodically, the land supports predominantly wetland <br />vegetation. Wetland vegetation are listed in "National List of <br />Plant Species That Occur in Wetlands: North Central (Region 3)", <br />Fish and Wildlife Service, May 1988. <br />2. The substrate is predominantly undrained hydric soil. Hydric soils <br />are those which have been exposed to water for long enough periods <br />C <br />3 <br />