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of time to experience oxygen depletion. Hydric soils are listed in <br />"Hydric Soils of the United States 1985", Soil Conservation <br />Service, October, 1985. <br />3. The area is saturated with or covered by shallow water at some time <br />during the growing season of each year, <br />The Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineatine Jurisdictional <br />Wetlands, an Interagency Cooperative Publication, January 10, 1989, shall be <br />used for guidance regarding the delineation of wetlands. The District shall <br />require each permit applicant to specify on the permit application whether or <br />not the proposed site contains wetlands. Wetland location and size shall be <br />clearly marked on the plans which accompany the permit application. If the <br />District has grounds to believe the site contains wetlands not identified in <br />the permit application, the District shall: <br />1. Require the applicant to submit additional information such as soil <br />analyses, topographic surveys, surveys of vegetation, and <br />engineering or hydrologic data, all certified by competent <br />professionals, to aid in the determination, and/or <br />2. Conduct a site inspection and evaluation; and/or <br />3. Use any other reasonable method to determine if the site contains <br />wetlands. <br />The applicant shall provide copies of the application and supporting <br />documents to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the United <br />States 'Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), and the Washington or Ramsey Soil and <br />Water Conservation District. It is the responsibility of the av_��t to l(c r <br />determine if permits from the Corps, the DNR and/or other governmental <br />agencies are required. Sho rt A) <br />Subd. 3. Regulationsfi Q0B(5( <br />The following uses shall be permitted in wetlands: <br />1. Recreational trails <br />2. Objects or improvements made in conjunction with and necessary to <br />parks, nature and wildlife preserves <br />No permit is required for agricultural uses, provided the use does not <br />result in the filling, excavation, or drainage of a wetland or the removal of <br />trees from a wetland (See Subd. 4). <br />The District shall impose any requirements or conditions they deem <br />necessary on permits of permitted uses to insure the standards and purposes <br />of this section are carried out. <br />4 <br />