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10-16-90 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-16-90 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 16, 1990 PAGE 2 <br />Councilwoman Armstrong pointed out you are paying for access onto a <br />road, not for use of a yard or landscaping, that everyone along that <br />street uses equally. If it is any consolation, at tax time the larger <br />lots will pay their fair share. <br />Mayor Dunn closed the public hearing at 7:45 p.m. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Armstrong - to pass along the assessment of $694.56 for the <br />improvement of Lampert Avenue from 32nd to 33rd Street to Wilmer and <br />Harriett Arndt noting that the Arndt's name and address was <br />inadvertently left off of the original assessment roster, but that the <br />property so identified is included in Resolution 90-31 adopted by this <br />Council on October 2, 1.990. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />B. PUBLIC HEARING: Fire Protection <br />The Public Hearing notice was published in the St. Croix Valley Press <br />on October 3 and October 10, 1990.and all affected property owners <br />were notified. <br />At the last Council meeting, Council directed staff to call a public <br />hearing to discuss the addition of fire protection capabilities to the <br />public water supply system to be installed to the area affected by <br />Washington County Landfill No. 1. <br />Mayor Dunn opened up the public hearing at 7:46 p.m. in the City <br />Council chambers. <br />City Engineer, Larry Bohrer, reported the additional cost for fire <br />protection involves increasing all 4" pipe to 6" and all 6" pipe to 8" <br />size. It would also include the installation of approximately 22 <br />hydrants with associated valves, pipes and fittings. The estimated <br />cost of fire protection improves is $66,000.00, number of: lots <br />benefitting 159, with the estimated cost per abutting lot $415.00. <br />James Tobin, 4180 Irvin Circle N., asked why the City is pursuing this <br />when at the last meeting no one voiced wanting fire protection? <br />A.rlyn Christ, 8928 36th St. N., asked what the Fire Chief thought of <br />fire protection. <br />Fire Chief Sachs responded that he has talked with fire fighters from <br />other cities and that installing a water system without including fire <br />protection wasn't a normal practice. He felt the distance of 1,000 <br />ft. between fire hdyrants was sufficient. Sachs indicated he saw the <br />amount of people who will benefit from this even more than what was <br />stated. <br />Bohrer explained there is the direct benefit of having a fire hdyrant <br />near the house in the event of a fire and then there is the indirect <br />benefit to surrounding residents. They benefit because you can go a <br />much shorter distance to fill up the department's tankers and reduce <br />turnaround time. <br />
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