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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 16, 1990 PAGE 3 <br />Janice Tripplet, 8040 Lake Jane Trail, was opposed to the fire <br />protection and indicated she would receive no benefit from lowered <br />insurance rates. <br />Richard Quinn, 8929 36th St. N., asked what will this do to our taxes <br />and to the water pressure. Quinn indicated he was opposed to fire <br />protection and was just interested in getting the water supply. <br />Joe Timmers, 1621 Sandhurst Dr., felt by installing larger pipes now <br />would cut expenses if the need arises in the future. <br />Ernie Cappra asked if Oakdale has agreed to supply Lake Elmo limited <br />fire protection. will they let us have an 8" main without fire <br />protection. <br />Bohrer explained the City approached the City of Oakdale with a <br />possible amendment to the agreement that allowed fire protection, and <br />they have passed that amendment. <br />Darryl Vosberg, 4101. Irish Ct. N., indicated he did not see any <br />benefit for fire protection if others are not allowed to hook up to <br />the water system. <br />Cherie Kaufland stated installing fire hydrants did nothing to lower <br />their fire insurance premiums because we have a volunteer fire <br />department. <br />Tim Zilles, 8890 36th St. N., asked if the City would ever get a <br />full-time fire department? <br />Dave DuFresne, 8968 36th St. N., voiced his interest in bringing safe <br />drinking water to the affected area and was opposed to fire <br />protection. <br />Thomas Janochoski, 8510 Lake Jane Trail, voiced his opposition to the <br />pipeline going down Lake Jane Trail. <br />Al Kund.e, 4171 Irvin Circle N., stated he was opposed to fire <br />protection. IIe talked to his insurance agent and there would be no <br />drop in his premium. <br />James Jennings, 8320 Lake Jane Trail, asked if they could stay away <br />from the trees when the pipeline goes done Lake Jane Trail. <br />Tom Huebsch, 4285 Ivy Ct. N., asked if he could hook up he if had <br />contaminated water.. <br />Bohrer explained the only area that is planned to be hooked up to <br />water is the Lake Jane well Advisory Area. The counties did not say <br />the City can't allow people to hook up, but we have to make sure that <br />there's enough capacity left over so all of these areas can be served. <br />If there is capacity left over, we can allow extra hookups. <br />