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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 16, 1990 PAGE 8 <br />Jim McNamara, City's Building Official, .reported the mobile home has <br />proper state licenses on it and has a manufactured date of 7/7/77. The <br />house woud have to meet all existing building codes in effect. <br />McNamara pointed out a law was passed in 1982 that prohibits a <br />municipality from regulating maufactured homes built in conformance <br />with 327.31 to 327.53 that comply with all other zoning ordinances <br />promulgated pursuant to this section. It was the opinion of the City <br />Attorney we cannot prohibit this mobile home from being out on his <br />property because we have set no standards (size, foundation, roof <br />pitch,) in any of our zoning districts. <br />The Council indicated to Mr. Mogren they did not want to see the land. <br />use changed from Ag to commercial. As long as he wasn't selling <br />anything, they saw sod fields as an Ag use and Mr. Mogren would be <br />bound by the regulations in the RR Zoning District. <br />The City Administrator and Building Official will recommend amending <br />the code by setting standards for manufactured homes in all our zoning <br />districts in order to bring our code up in conformance with State Law. <br />7. Presentation by Washington County Sheriff's Department: <br />Deputy Jesse Kurtz <br />Washington County Deputy, Jesse Kurtz, provided a film of the County <br />SWAT Team which trains in the Lake Elmo Park Reserve. The FBI has the <br />Washington County Sheriff's SWAT Team train other departments <br />state-wide. <br />Jerry DuFriese of the Wash. Cty Canine Unit and his dog, Rommel gave a <br />demonstration on how with a single command a trained dog seeks out <br />narcotics. The Canine Unit has been in existence for approx. 8 years. <br />They train with St. Paul Police Dept Canine Unit in a 14 week program, <br />8 hours a day 5 days a week. <br />Deputy Kurtz provided a letter regarding speeding complaints by <br />Richard Acree on County Road 17 between 20th St North & Highway 5. <br />Inn response to Deputy Kurtz's letter, Dick Acree addressed the <br />following statements: <br />--"Two days after Deputy Kurtz made the offer for me to sit in the <br />squad car and run radar, an officer let he., sit in his vehicle for 1/2 <br />hour to observe the read-out on the radar screen. When a car passed <br />them at 38 mph in a 30 mph zone, I asked why didn't you stop him. The <br />officer answered they don't give a ticket in a 30 mph zone unless you <br />go 40 mph or more. I brought this to the attention of Capt. Green, <br />who said the officer made a mistake and should have pulled him over. <br />This is the second officer that has told me they do not enforce the <br />speed limit unless they are travelling 40+ mph. The enforcement level <br />needs to be tightened up." <br />--"In regard to the comment by Capt. Green on the radar survey <br />that was conducted, I believe they did the best survey they could with <br />the men and equipment they had. Capt. Green agreed the survey was <br />faulty because of the points I brought out in my letter." <br />