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11-08-90 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-08-90 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 8, 1990 PAGE 2 <br />M/S/P Hunt/Armstrong - to hold a workshop with REAPP on Wednesday, <br />November 14th, at 7 p.m. in City Hall. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />6. PLANNING/LAND USE AND ZONING: <br />A. PUBLIC HEARING: David Schwarz, 10961 32nd St. <br />Variance to setback requirement, sideyard and street <br />right-of-way and Shoreland Permit for construction <br />of garage. <br />Acting Mayor Williams opened up the public,hearing at 7:30 p.m. in the <br />City Council chambers. The public hearing notice was published in the <br />October 24, 1.990 St. Croix Valley Press and adjoining property owners <br />were notified. <br />There was no one to speak for or against the variance request. A <br />letter was received from Evelyn Kramer, 10949 32nd St., indicating she <br />has no objections for replacement of the garage where the old building <br />exists. <br />City Engineer, Larry Bohrer, reported David Schwarz has applied for a <br />shoreland permit to construct a new detached garage at 10961 32nd <br />Street North. This property is on the north shore of Lake Elmo and <br />Shoreland Regulations apply. Mr. Schwarz had previously applied for a <br />similar permit in 1988. At that time the applicant was requesting a <br />larger garage and a sideyard setback of only 1.5 feet. Action was <br />postponed until a more detailed drawing was furnished showing <br />drainfield, waterline and reduced garage size. <br />Mr. Schwarz has now revised his application to request a side yard <br />setback of 5 feet where 10 feet is required and a 23' x 32' garage. <br />Bohrer furnished a revised drawing which accurately reflected the <br />application. <br />Two variances are requested: <br />1. A 20' setback from the street to the garage where 50' is required. <br />2. A side yard setback of 5' where 10' is required. <br />Bohrer pointed out the first variance was not much of a. concern in <br />1988 since the new garage would tend to line up with other existing <br />garages along the street. The steep sloping terrain toward the lake <br />is the hardship on the land that would allow this variance. The <br />reduced depth of the garage removed the concern for interference with <br />the existing drainfield which was a concern in 1988 when the larger <br />garage was proposed. The smaller garage also ].eaves more room for <br />possible drainfield expansion. <br />Bohrer also pointed out that the existing drainfield goes over the <br />waterline. The drainfield was constructed new in 1986 and the water <br />line was extended about the same time. The setback of a waterline to <br />a drainfield is 10 feet and asked. Bohrer asked Mr. Schwarz for his <br />comments. <br />
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