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11-08-90 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-08-90 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 8, 1990 PAGE 3 <br />Mr. Schwarz responded he had talked to the septic installer. According <br />to his input, Schwarz provided a drawing showing the existing water <br />line 10' from the septic system. Schwarz gave as the hardship for his <br />variance the cutting down of a large tree and the narrow size of his <br />lot. <br />Also Bohrer indicated Mr. Schwarz mentioned a possible addition to the <br />house. Bohrer stated adding bedrooms, etc. would not be looked upon <br />favorably because of the limit of the size of yard left for <br />drainfield. (Drainfields are sized according to the number of <br />bedrooms). Schwarz responded, he would rather have a garage than an <br />addition to the house. <br />Acting Mayor Williams closed the public hearing at 7:43 p.m. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Graves - to approve a shorela.nd permit and two <br />variance requests: (1) a 20' setback from the street to the garage <br />where 50' is required and (2) a side yard setback of 5' where 10' is <br />required, by David Schwarz, 10961 32nd Street North, for construction <br />of a 23' x 32' garage based on the hardship being the narrow lot, <br />removal of a large tree, the area for the drainfield will not be <br />affected by this application, the garage size and location is <br />consistent with character of neighborhood, and a letter received from <br />neighbor in favor of the request. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />B. Residential Estates Zoning Ordinance <br />The Council received a draft copy of the Residential Estates Zoning <br />Ordinance (Section 301.070D.). <br />Councilman Williams referred to C(1) Lot Size and commented there is <br />nothing stated, that prevents a large portion of the 2 1/2 acres from <br />being in a lake. He felt it should explicity state that 2. 1/2 acres <br />should be free of any easements or flood plain. His intent is the lot <br />has to be above the lake, but could have some seasonal water on the <br />lot as long as you have 1 acre or 1 1/4 acres of land free of any <br />water. <br />The Council. discussed this concern. There was Council consensus on <br />(4) Areas of Building Site: A minimum of 1.25 acre of land above the <br />flood plain and free of any drainage easements. <br />Discussion followed on (9) Septic Drainfield Regulation. Councilman <br />Williams provided a draft which would allow the splitting of the <br />20,000 sq.f.t. based on the reasoning the County's ordinance is minimum <br />10,000 sq.ft. Therefore, if Lake Elmo allows the 20,000 sq.f.t. to be <br />split up into a maximum of two parcels, neither of which can be less <br />than 10,000 sq.f.t., this should be adequate, but as a requirement each <br />of those areas has to be contiguous to the building site or part of <br />it. <br />There was Council consensus on (9) Septic Drainfield Regulation: <br />(a) All newly subdivided lots shall have a minimum of 20,000 sq.f.t. of <br />land to be dedicated for septic system use and suitable for that use. <br />This land may comprise up to two separate areas each of which is <br />
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