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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER B, 1990 PAGE 4 <br />contiguous to the 1.25 acre building site or contained within it and <br />each of which contains at least 10,000 contiguous sq.ft. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Graves - to proudly adopt Ordinance 8039, amending the 1979 <br />Lake Elmo Municipal Code by incorporating Section 301.070D. <br />Residential Estates as amended. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />Residential Estates Supporting Ordinances <br />Street Standards: <br />The Planning Commission made a motion at their October 22, 1990 <br />meeting to require a minimum distance of fifteen feet (15') from the <br />edge of a property line to the nearest- edge of the driveway in the <br />Residential Estates Zoning District. <br />The Council considered a 10' requirement to be reasonable between <br />driveways in a residential area. <br />M/S/P Graves/Hunt - to direct the City staff to prepare an ordinance <br />amending Section 1.602.070(1) to allow the exception that a driveway <br />must be 10' from any lot line in the Residential Estates Zoning <br />District. <br />The majority of the Council favored a 28' wide blacktop road with <br />bituminous curbs. Councilwoman Armstrong preferred 24' wide roads, <br />but as long as we will not be adding a shoulder on either side, she <br />would approve 2B' wide bituminous road with the alternative of asphalt <br />or concrete rollover curbs. <br />M/S/P Graves/Hunt - to direct the city staff to prepare to modify the <br />appropriate ordinance to specify 28' wide asphalt roads with either <br />asphalt or concrete rollover curbs in the Residential Estates Zoning <br />District. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />C. Comprehensive Plan Revisions <br />Michael Black reported on Thursday, October 25th, a meeting was held <br />at the office of the Met Council to receive comment on the City's <br />Comprehensive Plan update. The purpose of the meeting was to address <br />Chairman Keefe's letter dated October 5, 1990 and to determine what <br />information had to be added to the plan update in order to start the <br />Metropolitan Council review period. (See Mike Black's memo dated <br />October 26, 1990). <br />Mike Black asked for Council direction to proceed with updating the <br />Chapter on Sanitary Sewer. Larry Bohrer will prepare a map and exhibit <br />that identifies and locates the cluster systems which goes along with <br />the text. Black will update the thoroughfare plan map and send this <br />information back to the Met Council. <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to direct the City Staff to proceed with the <br />requested direction. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />D. Other <br />