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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 21, 1991 PAGE 4 <br />C. Easement Appraisals - SW1 Watermains <br />Larry Bohrer reported we are now in the easement acquisition phase of <br />the SW-1 Watermain project. There are two utility easements which <br />need to be acquired and. appraisals are necessary before an offer for <br />the easements can be made. Bill Schwab, Pennfield, Inc. has estimated <br />appraisal fees at $500.00 per easement. Both the appraisal fee and. <br />the easement cost will be reimbursed by Washington County. <br />M/S/P Williams/Dick Johnson - to hire Bill Schwab, Pennfield, Inc. to <br />appraise the two utility easements that are required for installation <br />of the SW1 Watermain, with said appraisal fee not to exceed $1,000 and <br />that these costs be reimbursed by Washington and Ramsey Counties in <br />accordance with our agreement for this project. (Motion carried 3-1: <br />Mottaz:There is no such thing as the County paying for this --we are <br />paying for it, anyway. I think Mr. Schwab is overcharging the City.) <br />7. Appointment of Planning Commission Members <br />Each City Council member recommended candidates for two Planning <br />Commission appointments, First Alternate and Second Alternate. <br />Because Ray Salus and Karin Schubert were the only candidates <br />recommended by all the City Council members, Councilman Williams made <br />the following motion: <br />M/No Second. Williams/No Second - to appoint Ray Salus as First <br />Alternate and Karin Schubert as Second Alternate to the Lake Elmo <br />Planning Commission. <br />In the spirit of co-operation, the following motion was made: <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Dick Johnson - to appoint Jim Mcleod, 2.543 Lake Elmo <br />Avenue N., as First Alternate and to appoint Karin Schubert, 5222 <br />Keats Avenue N., as Second Alternate to the Lake Elmo Planning <br />Commission. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />Parks Commission Appointment: <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Williams - to bring back the motion of February 5th <br />to the table. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />Councilman Johnson noted he has interviewed both applicants and would <br />be in favor of appointing Randy Thoreson who is a Planner for Short, <br />Elliot and Henderson and has prior experience with Parks. <br />In the spirit of cooperation, the following motion was made: <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to appoint Randy Thoreson, 4141 Irish Court P.T., <br />as Second Alternate to the Lake Elmo Parks Commission. (Motion <br />carried 4-0). <br />8. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />A. Compost Update - Councilman Johnson <br />