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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 5, 1991 PAGE 2 <br />C. Strategy Update <br />Tedi Carlson submitted a budget providing a menu of public relation <br />services from which Lake Elmo and ReAPP could select tactics. <br />M/S/ Mottaz/Dave Johnson - to authorize expenditures of. $7,500 to <br />purchase services in the amount of 56,000 from Colle & McVoy for a <br />press kit and video tape and and to purchase services, not to exceed <br />$1,500, from Pat Forciea until contracts have been signed. <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to amend the amount for Colle & McVoy to 58,000. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Mottaz/ Johnson - to authorize expenditures of $9,500 to <br />purchase services in the amount of $8,000 from Colle & McVoy for a <br />press kit and video tape and to purchase services from Pat Forciea not <br />to exceed $1,500 until both contracts have been signed. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />6. Scott Renne, Washington County Auditor <br />A. Council reconsideration of tax abatement requested by <br />Connco Shoes: Dave Johnson <br />Scott Renne, County Assessor, provided a market value appraisal report <br />of 7500 Hudson Blvd. for the purpose of providing additional <br />information to the Council in conjunction with an abatement <br />application on the above referenced property. It was Mr. Renne's <br />opinion that as of 'January 2, 1989 the market value of the property <br />including excess land is: One Million Three Hundred. Thousand Dollars. <br />According to Washington County records, the owner is Conn -co Shoes <br />Inc. The abatement application is O.W.J. Inc. The property was <br />purchased in September, 1982 for $1,625,000. The estimated market <br />value (prior to any adjustment for abatement) is $1,699,600.00. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Dick Johnson - to recommend the market value of 7500 <br />Hudson Blvd., (37032-3852) be set at One Million Four Hundred and <br />Fifty Thousand Dollars. (Motion carried 3-2: Williams and. Hunt: Dave <br />Johnson, Conn -co Shoes, has repeatedly over the last few years <br />described how valuable this property was and then, when he has <br />financial difficulty as a business person, asks for tax abatement.) <br />B. Property Tax Information <br />Washington County Assessor, Scott Renne, gave a tax information <br />presentation consisting of the property tax process and the assessor's <br />function within the property tax system. <br />Councilman Johnson provided information on Maplewood's levy limits for <br />taxes payable in 1991. <br />