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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AP RIL 2, 1991 PAGE 2 <br />update, the landfill video was Played, and Chris Naylor presented them <br />a press kit. <br />Pat Forciea will update the Council on his activities at the April <br />16th Council meeting. <br />6. PLANNING/LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. PUBLIC HEARING: Gregory Lohmer, 8199 Hill Trail N. <br />Variance to side yard setback and variance to OHWM <br />Mayor Johnson opened up the public hearing at 7:16 in the City Council <br />chambers. The Public Hearing notice was published in the St. Croix <br />Valley Press on March 20, 1991 and adjoining property owners were <br />notified. <br />Gregory Lohmer, 8199 Hill Trail N., is requesting a variance from the <br />sideyard setback requirements to construct a deck on the north side of <br />his house. The deck would come to within 6" of the north property <br />line. He is also requesting a shoreland permit with variance to <br />reconstruct a deck and add a lattice shade structure at the OHWM along <br />with extensive landscaping on the lake side. <br />Darrel Paulsrud, 8195 Hill Trail No. noted he did not dive nermission <br />to build up to the property line, but would be in agreement if Lohmer_ <br />kept the deck within code of 10 feet from the property line. <br />Mayor Johnson closed the public hearing at 7:20 p.m. <br />The Council received a letter from molly Shodeen, DNR, dated March 28, <br />1991, indicating it is their recommendation that if the deck is to be <br />rebuilt that it be removed from the bed of the lake and constructed <br />out of the flood plain. Once our shoreland ordinance is revised, the <br />city will determine whether they wish to allow these type of <br />structures or if they wish to be more restrictive. <br />The Council received a letter from Karen Chandler, Barr Engineering, <br />dated March 25, 1991, indicating their concern that the proposed <br />landscaping may result in the placement of fill within the floodplain <br />of Olson Lake. On Olson Lake, you are limited to placing no more than <br />1.7 cubic yards of fill per foot of shoreline in the floodplain. It <br />appears that Mr. Lohmer has 144 feet of shoreline; therefore, he would <br />be allowed to place 245 cubic yards of fill. The floodplain of Olson <br />Lake currently extends up to Elevation 931.5 feet, but the DNR is <br />considering changing that elevation. <br />The Council agreed that the existing deck should be allowed to be <br />rebuilt, but did not believe it should be rebuilt in the flood plain. <br />Mr. Lohmer was willing to postpone consideration of the lake deck <br />variance request until such time he decides to come back to the City <br />for action. Therefore, he would not have to pay another fee, the <br />application is still active, the DNR will have come to a decision on <br />the flood elevation. The following motion was made: <br />