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04-02-91 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-02-91 CCM
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LAKE ELP4O CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 2, 1991 PAGE 4 <br />F. Recommendation of Park Land Dedication Requirements <br />The Council reviewed draft Ordinance No. 8042 prepared by Mike Black <br />and approved by the Parks Commission. The Council made the following <br />changes: <br />401.400 Park Land. Dedication Requirements <br />A. Land Dedication <br />Mayor Johnson suggested raising the figure of 2.5% of the <br />total land in a proposed commercial subdivison to a higher percentage. <br />Councilman Dick Johnson suggested rounding the figure off to 3% as a <br />compromise. <br />B. Contribution in Lieu of Land: <br />Councilman Williams suggested added wording as stated in <br />our code Section 401.400A: The form of contribution (Cash or land., or <br />any combination thereof) shall be decided by the City Council. <br />E. Cash Contributions: <br />Councilman Johnson asked the following sentence to be added <br />after the sentence,..... from a licensed real estate appraiser. "The <br />reasonable portion shall be 7% of the total land in a proposed <br />residential subdivision and 3% of the total land in a proposed <br />commercial subdivision. <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Hunt - to direct the City Attorney to prepare a <br />formal ordinance for Council adoption based upon this proposed <br />ordinance and the amendments discussed. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />Mike Black pointed out there was a Resolution establishing- park - <br />dedication fees for residential subdivisions of three or less parcels. <br />The Parks Commission did review this resolution. This resolution will <br />be brought back at the same time the final draft of the ordinance is <br />reviewed. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to bring back for Council consideration the <br />Arabian Hills Preliminary Plat Approval. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />Issues of discussion: park land versus the cash dedication, Lot 10 <br />grading and drainage, landscaping on the proposed subdivision; <br />particularly along 53rd Street, and landscaping (screening) from <br />traffic on the impacted neighboring Keith Raleigh property <br />Larry Lisles, the developer of Fox Fire Manor, noted. that his company <br />has entered into an agreement with the developer of Rolling Hills <br />(Roger Kolstad) that upon preliminary plat approval of Rolling Hlls, <br />Lisles' company will (based on certain conditions) buy the property. <br />Lisles stated that there is no land available in Fox Fire Manor to <br />dedicate for parkland, however, there is approximately four acres in <br />the proposed Rolling Hills plat which abuts the Korhel property to the <br />south that could be dedicated for parkland and combined. with Mr. <br />Kohrel's parkland dedication when his land is developed. It has also <br />been proposed all along that the Kohrel property would have access to <br />the street through Rolling Hills. <br />
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