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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 2, 1991 PAGE 5 <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Dave Johnson - to accept the new park dedication <br />ordinance and request cash in lieu of park land for Arabian Hills <br />plat. (Motion carried 4-1: Hunt: He would prefer receiving feedback <br />from the Park Commission.) <br />M/S/P Williams/Mottaz - to approve the Preliminary Plat of Arabian <br />Hills with the conditions that prior to submittal of Final Plat <br />approval, the developer shall: (Motion carried 5-0). <br />1. Submit landscaping plan (screening and berming plan) <br />agreeable to the Council for the purposes of mitigating <br />the impact on the Raleigh property; <br />2. Show on the grading and landscaping plan appropriate <br />changes to reflect the additional screening required <br />on the west side of Keats Avenue; <br />3. Obtain from the VBWD an acceptable plan and permit for <br />grading and driveway placement on Lot 10, Block 2; <br />and this plan shall also be approved by our City <br />Engineer; <br />4. The cash dedication be calculatd at the time of. <br />the Final Plat approval. <br />3. Ordinance Protecting Existing Farming Operations <br />At their. March 25th meeting, the Planning Commission recommended that <br />the City adopt the language and intent of the State Statute protecting <br />existing farming operations. <br />In regard to State Statute 561.19 (c) Family Farm, Councilman Williams <br />voiced his concern about land that is owned by one person and rented <br />to someone totally unrelated and are we allowed to include this as an <br />additional situation which would be covered by the proposed ordinance. <br />The Council asked the City Attorney to consider Councilman Williams' <br />suggestion as an addition and report back to the next Council meeting. <br />D. Comprehensive Plan Amendment: Future Land Use Map <br />(Clifford Adkins property) <br />Attorney Paul Wolff, repesenting Ciff Adkins, explained Mr. Adkin's is <br />opposed to any amendment to the Future Land Use map and requests the <br />City leave this property in the SRD zoning district. The parcel is <br />approx. 12 acres and is surrounded by three sides of SRD, all of which <br />is currently in Rl zoning. The RED Zoning district requires a minimum <br />of 20 acres for an RE development, but this is only 1.2 acres and does <br />not qualify for RED zoning. Wolff indicated this is the only property <br />in the City within the SRD district which is not already zoned R1. <br />Mayor Johnson and Councilman Mottaz supported the Planning <br />Commission's recommendation of March 11, 1991 that Mr. Adkins' land <br />stay SRD as designated on the Future Land Use Map. <br />