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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 2, 1991 PAGE h <br />M/S/F Dick Johnson/Mottaz - that the Adkins' property, at 2227 Lake <br />Elmo Avenue and surrounding property owned by Mr. Adkins, continue to <br />be shown as SRD on the Future Land Use Map and amend the text of the <br />Comprehensive Plan to allow this one last area remain SRD and as <br />future zoning be allowed as SRD; further, it remain city policy that, <br />there be no additional R1 development in the City. (Motion failed <br />3-2: Hunt: He sees a conflict between the map and the text and is <br />looking at the Attorney for the best way to resolve it., Williams: <br />Without doing a thorough study, this type of .problem (person does not <br />own enough land to make an RE development) will come up in the future. <br />The landowner has the option of developing at the current zoning or <br />acquire additional land from his neighboring property owners to <br />provide 20 acres.) <br />In order to amend the text of the Comp Plan, it requires 4/5th <br />majority vote of the Council. <br />M/ Williams - to postpone consideration of this matter until the next <br />meeting at which time we will expect to receive from the City Attorney <br />a clarification of the procedures. <br />The Mayor did not recognize Councilman Williams and the above motion. <br />Councilman Williams appealed from the action of the Chair/No second to <br />the appeal. <br />Mayor Johnson stated we do not have to change the text of the Comp <br />Plan. We can simply leave the map "as is" and when a request comes in <br />for rezoning, allow that R1 zoning. He noted this is the last piece of <br />SRD property we have in the City. <br />M/No second Mottaz/No Second - to accept the Future Land Use Map with <br />the SRD land designation for Mr. Adkins' property. <br />Mayor Johnson noted there needs to be a motion to amend the Comp Plan <br />to change the SRD to RED Zoning. <br />M/No Second Williams/No Second - to amend. the Comp Plan to reflect the <br />12 acres owned by Clifford Adkins as RED instead of SRD Zoning. <br />When asked if this item could be postponed for two weeks, Mr. Adkins <br />indicated he had no urgent plans for development.__ <br />M/S/P Williams/Dick Johnson - to postpone consideration of this item <br />until the next Council meeting at which time we can expect from the <br />City Attorney clarification of the procedure to be used. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />