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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 2, 1991 PAGE 7 <br />E. Site & Plan Review: Maintenance Building at Lake Elmo <br />Park Reserve <br />Washington County is proposing construction of a 7,000 sq.ft. concrete <br />panel random rib maintenance building in the Lake Elmo Park Reserve <br />near Highway 5. The building will be the headquarters for Washington <br />County Parks Maintenance and will include an adjacent 25 car pared <br />parking lot and a 44,000 sq.ft. storage yard. <br />At their March 25th meeting, the Planning Commission recommended <br />approval of this site and plan for the Lake Elmo Park Reserve <br />Maintenance Building with the understanding the Planning Commission <br />does not wish this building to set the architectural standard. for the <br />rest of Lake Elmo. <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Hunt - to approve the site and building plan for <br />the Lake Elmo Park Reserve Maintenance Building based on the finding <br />this building is a unique use in a unique setting and, therfore, shall <br />not be deemed as setting an architectural standard for the rest of the <br />City. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />F. Recommendation of Park Land Dedication Requirements <br />This item was addressed under Arabian Hills Preliminary Plat. <br />G. Update from City Engineer on Steve Ziniel property <br />Tom Prew reported the problem appears to be a localized low spot along_ <br />the edge of the road. Although the Kraft Circle pavement is in good <br />condition, Prew felt if the low spot is not drained the pavement in <br />that area will eventually need patching. Prew recommend.ed that a <br />shallow catch basin be constructed at the low point. An outlet pipe <br />would be extended west across Kraft Circle. A shallow ditch along the <br />north property line of the Rolf property and through the City property <br />would be necessary to direct the water to an existing culvert at the <br />corner of 33rd Street Lane and 33rd Street. Because of the small size <br />of this project, the City Maintenance Dept could perform the <br />construction. It was estimated that materials will cost $1,200 and <br />labor will cost $1,500. A drainage easement will be needed from the <br />Rude's for the shallow ditch on their property. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to direct the City Staff to approach .the Rudes <br />with this plan to see what their interest would be granting an <br />official easement before a Council decision is made. (Motion carried. <br />5-0). <br />Since the City did not create this problem, Councilman Johnson asked <br />Mr. Ziniel if he would be willing to pay material costs. Mr. Ziniel <br />responded he could replace his driveway for less than what the <br />materials would cost. Then the problem will go to the neighbor's <br />driveway. <br />H. Review variance request of Philip Zimmer, 4850 Jasper Avenue <br />The City Administrator pointed out that under Section 301.040-83 of <br />