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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 4, 1991 PAGE 4 <br />C. Request for Amendment to Sign Ordinance <br />The City received a letter from Mike Lukin, 10759 loth St. N., <br />requesting an amendment to our sign ordinance allowing property owners <br />to sell goods grown on their land. The Planning Commission recommended <br />that the Council not change the zoning ordinance in the RR zoning <br />district as it would be hard to regulate and unfair to other zoning <br />districts. The Council concurred with their recommendation that <br />property owners who wish to sell agricultural or horticultural product <br />should think about starting a "Farmers Market". <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Hunt - to deny the request for an amendment to the <br />sign ordinance based on the recommendation of the Planning Commission, <br />also noting that a change in the sign ordinance would still not allow <br />an open sales lot in the Rural Residential zoning district. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />D. Bachman Variance: Reconsideration <br />Moved to Agenda Item 12. <br />E. Standards for building size in Residential Zoning <br />Districts (except R3) <br />The intent of the ordinance <br />family residential homes in <br />parks). Discussion followed <br />the structure (excluding th <br />feet". Several council memb <br />they felt the ordinance was <br />and affordable housing. <br />is to set minimum standards for single <br />the City (excluding manufactured home <br />on amendment, "the finished living area of <br />a basement) must be at least 860 square <br />ars were against this amendment because <br />discriminatory against manufactured houses <br />M/S/P Williams/Mottaz - to adopt Ordinance 8047 with the exception of <br />subdivision (g) and relettered accordingly, to adopt Ordinance 8048 <br />with the exception of subdivision (10) and renumbered accordingly, to <br />adopt Ordinance 8049 with the exception of subdivision (9) and <br />renumbered accordingly, and to adopt 8050 with the exception of <br />subdivision (8) and renumbered accordingly, and to adopt Ordinance <br />8051 with the exception of subdivision (11) and renumbered. <br />accordingly. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Hunt to - direct the City Staff to draft an <br />ordinance amending Section 301.130(o), (Page 301-74 and 75) Temporary <br />Farm Dwelling and then send to the PZ for a public hearina. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />8. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />Both Ramsey County and Washington County Boards have agreed to pay for <br />the increased cost of this project. <br />