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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 15, 1991 PAGE4 <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. 1991 City Engineering Standards <br />3S <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to adopt Resolution No. 91-.34 adopting the <br />1991 City Engineering Standards for the City of Lake Elmo, as <br />amended by discussion at tonight's meeting, (Page 1-1: 1, All <br />sheets shall be of uniform size. Use standard 22" x 34". 5. <br />Require MN seal showing registration number.). (Motion carried <br />5-0). <br />8. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />A. Derrick Lawsuit Update <br />Attorney Filla reported Derrick has indicated that it would agree <br />to dismiss the current lawsuit that is scheduled for trial on <br />November 4th if the City would process a building permit for Lot <br />1, which passed the percolation test this spring, and if the City <br />would allow them to install drain tile and retest Lot 2,3, & 4 in <br />the spring of 1992. Filla added, if we assume that those lots <br />pass at that time, they would be in here asking for building <br />permits. If we assume that those lots would not pass at that <br />time, they want to reserve the option of proposing another <br />engineering solution that would have to be approved by the City <br />and City Engineer. <br />After much discussion, the Council suggested a building permit <br />for Lot 1 would be issued following normal application <br />procedures, the property owner would install drain tile pursuant <br />to a plan approved by the City Engineer, and Lots 2,3,& 4 would <br />be retested in the Spring of 1992 under the supervision of the <br />City's Engineer. All costs of city staff to review plans and <br />supervise tests should be reimbursed by the applicant. <br />The City Attorney will meet with Larry Bohrer and Mr Tom Radio, <br />Derrick's attorney, to discuss in more detail on what is being <br />proposed. <br />The Council set up a special meeting for Tuesday, October 22nd, <br />5:00 p.m. at City Hall to discuss a possible resolution. <br />B. Stonegate Lawsuit <br />Councilman Hunt asked the City Attorney if the City was in any <br />increased liability for contempt of court. <br />Filla explained they were at a hearing a week ago Friday to this <br />issue, the judge said that he clearly wants the City to comply <br />with the Order and will ultimately draft an Order that will <br />encourage the City to comply. <br />