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11-19-91 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-19-91 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 19, 1991 5 <br />followed in adopting a comp plan. A motion to adopt a comp plan <br />now is out of order until we determine what steps we have missed <br />and deal with these steps in the proper order. <br />If this is just a housekeeping measure to correct the procedure, <br />Councilman Johnson noted he had no problem with adopting this <br />resolution. But if the 1990 amendment of the comp plan is opened <br />to revision, he felt it was inappropriate because a past council <br />has adopted this amendment and in substance is the plan the city <br />is now operating under. <br />The City Attorney concluded if you had 1979 plan and changed the <br />official controls the official controls apply. If after you <br />change the official controls that would amend the comp plan, you <br />now have 9 months to revise the official controls. The question <br />is: "what action was taken at the most recent time? And apply <br />that logic to this, and if you assume the August, 1990 amendment <br />is not effective, the city has still taken action in the way of <br />adopting RE regulations". RE regulations, or rezonings of <br />property effecting changes to a zoning map, are official controls <br />and will take precedence over the 1979/1983 version of the comp <br />plan or the 1990 version of the comp plan because those actions <br />occurred most recently. If they are in conflict, then the <br />official controls apply. <br />Councilman Hunt noted the Council has acted under the 1990 Comp <br />Plan all year. He has voted on items and on applying for a MUSA <br />extension based on this plan. Therefore, he would not support <br />any MUSA extension under the 1983 comp plan. <br />Mayor Johnson provided his explanation as to the procedure of the <br />initial adoption of the 1983 Comp Plan. <br />M/S/P Williams/Dick Johnson - to amend the resolution as follows: <br />(Motion carried 4-1: Mottaz). <br />Add Defining Paragraph: For the purpose of this Resolution "the <br />1990 Lake Elmo Comprehensive Plan" amends and supersedes a <br />Comprehensive Plan adopted in 1983 and amended since then, <br />including the wording approved by Met Council of February 14, <br />1991. <br />Add: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that City Council actions with <br />regard to any residential rezonings and subdivisions since <br />February 14, 1991 are hereby ratified. <br />M/S/F Williams/Hunt - to adopt Resolution 91-40 as amended. <br />(Motion failed 3-2: Mayor Johnson, Mottaz). <br />Councilman Hunt: my previous vote was made upon a comp plan which <br />covered the entire city. Based upon what that plan stated (it <br />called for residential dev. and commercial dev.) I felt at that <br />point the extension of the MUSA was justified and appropriate <br />into that area. I do not feel, with my knowledge of the 1983 <br />
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