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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 5, 1991 3 <br />C. Comp Plan (MUSA) Amendment Update <br />The Council received a memo from Mary Anderson, Chair of the <br />Metropolitan Council, regarding the Comp Plan (MUSA) Amendment <br />which the City sent them on October 11, 1991. <br />Mike Black and Tom Prew met with the Met Council staff to <br />determine what additional information was needed in order to <br />initiate the regional agency review period for our Comp Plan <br />Amendment to extend the MUSA Line. Mike presented a letter he <br />received from the Metropolitan staff indicating that the <br />information they have is complete. The Met Council still has <br />asked that we provide them information on traffic update and <br />nonpoint source runoff. <br />When asked what costs would the city incur for providing this <br />information, Mike Black responded he would do a letter (approx 2 <br />page) which would take 1 to 2 hours of his time. The Council <br />had set a limit as to the monies to be spent on this application <br />and requested an update by the next Council meeting on monies <br />spent to date on the MUSA amendment. <br />D. Heritage Preservation Ordinance <br />The consensus of the Council was to pass the Heritage <br />Preservation Ordinance outlined in staff memo dated November 5, <br />1991. City Attorney Fills. explained this Ordinance should be <br />summarized for publication and this summary will be brought <br />before the City Council for their approval. Applicants for <br />Commission will be solicited in the Newsletter, Cable TV and as a <br />Press Release. Appointments to this commission will be made at a <br />January, 1992 Council meeting. <br />E. Letter to re:Airport Commission Expansion <br />At the last meeting, the Council directed the City Administrator <br />to prepare a letter for their approval to the Metropolitan <br />Airports Commission regarding the proposed airport expansion and <br />MAC's apparent disregard for the comments made by the people <br />attending the public hearing. <br />M/S/P Williams/Dick Johnson - to direct the City Administrator to <br />send the letter, as presented, after being signed by each council <br />member at the November 12th meeting. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />-------------------------------------------------------- <br />THE CITY COUNCIL COMPLIMENTED THE CITY'S MAINTENANCE CREW FOR A <br />JOB WELL DONE IN CLEANING THE CITY UP AFTER THIS MAJOR SNOW <br />STORM. <br />--------------------------------------------------------- <br />