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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 5, 1991 4 <br />6. PLANNING/LAND USE & ZONING• <br />A. Shoreland Permit: Dan & Jean Olinger, <br />9057 Lake Jane Trail <br />Dan and Jean Olinger, 9057 Lake Jane Trail, has applied for a <br />shoreland permit for demolition of existing home and construction <br />of new home within the Shoreland District. <br />Building Official, Jim McNamara, reported no variances are <br />required and Molly Shodeen, DNR, had no problem with this <br />application. The septic system will have to be updated to meet <br />city code. <br />The Olingers have made arrangements with our Fire Department to <br />have the existing house burned down in a "training session". <br />M/S/P Williams/Mottaz - to grant a shoreland permit to Dan & Jean <br />Olinger, 9057 Lake Jane Trail, for demolition of existing home <br />and construction of new home based on a favorable recommendation <br />from the DNR, Planner, and Building Official and based on the <br />determination that no variances were required. (Motion carried <br />4-0). <br />Councilman Johnson indicated his concern on the number of items <br />stored on this property and asked that a list of stored items be <br />provided to the City. The Council designated this as an OLD <br />BUSINESS item. <br />B. Petition for Detachment/Annexation to Oakdale, <br />Out Lot A -Lake Elmo Heights 2nd Addition <br />Resolution No. 91-34 <br />The City received notice that the Municipal Board has received a <br />petition by the property owner for detachment of 93 acres located <br />in Lake Elmo Heights 2nd Addition, from the City of Lake Elmo and <br />concurrent annexation of the same property to the city of <br />Oakdale. <br />The Municipal Board will be scheduling a hearing on the matter <br />unless both cities pass concurrent resolutions requesting the <br />same detachment/annexation and forward to the Municipal Board by <br />November 18. 1991. <br />The City Administrator is preparing a resolution which includes a <br />chronology of events that led to Out Lot A's existence. This <br />resolution opposing detachment/annexation of Out Lot A will be <br />presented for Council approval at the November 12th meeting. <br />