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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 17, 1991 2 <br />Councilman Mottaz explained his vote was not a willing vote, it <br />was a voted rendered under duress from three sources: 1. the <br />court, where the judge has threatened to increase the fine and to <br />possibly levy it personally on me; 2. the City Council, where <br />three members of the Council instructed the city attorney to ask <br />the court to have me pay the fine, 3. Attorney Niles, who stated <br />that he and Mr. Peterson were discussing legal action to force me <br />to pay for Mr. Peterson's losses. <br />Mayor Johnson noted he felt the same as Councilman Mottaz. <br />M/S/P Williams/Dick Johnson - to direct the City Attorney to <br />draft the appropriate motion to request cancellation of fines. <br />(Motion carried 4-0). <br />B. Cimarron <br />Mayor Johnson stated Fran Pott had informed him that the City did <br />receive a letter from the Health Dept. indicating, based on the <br />results of the tests, they had no major concerns on the Cimarron <br />water system. <br />Dora Lee, Cimarron resident, stated the people living near the <br />water tower have noted they are having low pressure problems <br />again which could lead to a bacteria problem. The Cimarron <br />management is aware of this and the Health Dept, has been <br />notified. <br />The Council discussed sending city personnel, with the full <br />knowledge of the Park, to check out the lines. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Mayor Johnson - to direct the City Administrator to <br />send a letter to the State Health Dept. indicating the City <br />recognizes there is a problem with Cimarron's water system and <br />request the state investigate this system and find out why they <br />are having these problems. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />5. PLANNING/LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Shoreland Permit with Variance, Dorothy Hanson, <br />7978 Hill Trail N., (Continued from 12/3/91) <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Mottaz - to approve a shoreland permit and <br />variance requested by Dorothy Hanson, 7978 Hill Trail N., for the <br />purpose of constructing a 3-seasons porch where they now have an <br />existing deck based on: there is sufficient screening from the <br />lake by mature trees, the house and addition is in conformance <br />with the neighboring houses, there was no objection to the <br />variance at the public hearing, and the screened porch does not <br />encroach on the lake any further than the existing deck does <br />now. (Motion carried 3-1: Williams: A hardship has not been <br />demonstrated and there are other alternative locations for the <br />porch.) <br />