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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 17, 1991 <br />B. Linder Greenhouse - EAW <br />The Council previously determined that an EAW was required for <br />the proposed Linder Greenhouse Conditional Use Permit amendment. <br />The Council received comment from three reviewing agencies and a <br />memo from Mike Black, December 10, 1991 stating his reasons for <br />recommending that an EIS was not necessary. <br />M/S/P Williams/Mottaz - that the city council made a <br />determination that an EIS is not required for this project based <br />on the results of public comment from the reviewing agencies. <br />(Motion carried 4-0). <br />C. Rolling Hills Preliminary Plat <br />At the October 1, 1991 meeting, the council postponed <br />consideration of the Rolling Hills Preliminary Plat because the <br />applicant had not received approval from the VBWD. The Council <br />received a letter from the VBWD, dated December 13, 1991, <br />indicating their approval of the plat subject to the conditions <br />shown on the permit. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Dick Johnson - to approve the Rolling Hills <br />Preliminary Plat as shown on December 17th and accepting the <br />Parks and Planning Commission's recommendation of the applicant <br />paying a park dedication fee in lieu of land of 7% of the fair <br />market value; subject to receiving a permit from the Army Core of <br />Engineers and approval of the final design by the City Engineer. <br />(Motion carried 3-1: Williams: would prefer accepting Lot 3, <br />Block 3, (3.2 acres) for park land). <br />D. Recommendation from Planning Commission on CSAH 10 <br />The Council directed the Planning Commission to review the CSAH <br />10 construction plans and bring back a recommendation on the <br />proposed plan. At their December 9th meeting, the Pz met with the <br />representatives of the Washington County Highway Department. <br />The City Council accepted the Planning Commission's <br />recommendation that CSAH 10 be a divided highway as recommended <br />by Washington County, but to span the pond with a bridge instead <br />of fill. <br />