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12-03-91 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-03-91 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 3, 1991 2 <br />4. PUBLIC INQUIRIES: <br />ReAPP REPORT: <br />Margaret Carlson reported that REAPP is meeting the first Sunday <br />of every month. ReApp is meeting with members representing other <br />communities that have proposed landfill sites in their cities to <br />discuss the alternative siting process which is being considered. <br />Colley & McVoy, public relations firm, won a public service award <br />for their efforts in the Lake Elmo campaign against the landfill <br />and the Lake Elmo video. <br />Cimarron Water Problem: <br />Cimarron residents voiced their concern on if their water was <br />safe to drink again at the Cimarron mobile home park. Residents <br />were advised Friday to boil their drinking water while the park's <br />water system was being cleaned of bacteria. <br />Councilman Johnson asked Bonestroo Eng, firm if the source of the <br />contamination is known, is the contamination still there and are <br />we just getting rid of the contamination by adding more chlorine. <br />He had a concern of contamination getting to the aquifer and <br />requested technical details and operation of this system. <br />Tom Noyce, Bonestroo Assoc., responded they did not know how it <br />happened and are still looking for possible sources of <br />contamination. They did flush the entire system, chlorinated to a <br />chlorine residual so that the water supply is safe. The tests <br />that were taken were from the well in addition to the <br />distribution system itself and all are clear at this point. The <br />sample from the well is unchlorinated and if there is any <br />contamination there it would show up. <br />Dan Krawczyk, NHD, stated the samples that were positive were <br />taken from the child care center and from the club house. The <br />second set of samples were from the child care center. <br />Councilman Mottaz: Is there going to be an investigation to <br />determine where the contamination came from? Noyce: we may never <br />know where the contamination came from. This Park has been in <br />existence a long time and as long as he has been involved (11 <br />years) this is the first time this has ever happened. <br />Mark Sieke, Bonestroo & Assoc., stated we don't operate water <br />systems or waste water plants routinely because that is not the <br />business we are in. Because we had someone leave for a period of <br />time, month or two, we are in the process of interviewing <br />candidates and getting someone to replace him. We try to fill in <br />while they get a replacement and this usually speeds up the <br />process because we are expensive. We are now writing a calendar <br />of happenings and had just received a verbal clear of nitrates <br />and coliform bacteria on samples that were taken at the well. <br />
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