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01-21-92 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-21-92 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 21, 1992 11 <br />Mayor Johnson indicated that once they have come to a resolution <br />that would be satisfactory to the property owners, MnDOT would <br />come before the City Council with their proposed project. <br />8. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />Councilman Hunt explained that some of the conditions such as <br />a parkway system and 45 mph speed limit that he had wanted to see <br />are not in the improvement project for 10th Street. He <br />understands the County's design does not include a bridge over <br />the wetlands, plantings in the center and the speed limit is 55 <br />mph. <br />Councilman Williams referred to Steve DeLapp's letter which <br />raises a number of significant issues and requested the Council <br />think about what do we really need there for now and for 10 or 15 <br />years. We do not need a 4-lane divided highway because the <br />traffic counts do not support it now and the projections of M. <br />Herold are vastly overestimated. Both communities would be very <br />well served by upgrading the existing road to two good lanes and <br />2 paved shoulders. 4th Street would take this hypothetical <br />Woodbury to Oakdale traffic off of 10th Street. This is an <br />important alternative that the County Engineers admitted they <br />hadn't thought of. Williams suggested the City send a letter <br />indicating we have significant concerns, that ground work needs <br />to be done before the County goes too off in one direction. <br />Councilman Mottaz indicated he would like to see a traffic <br />count for 120/Century Avenue and for consideration of this kind <br />of design and stay away from a 4-lane. Would like to know the <br />traffic count on State Highway 5 because the State feels a 2-lane <br />can handle a certain amount of traffic. We said if it is going <br />to be a 4-lane divided highway we want 45 mph parkway, curves, <br />and plantings. <br />Councilman Johnson noted this Council would not have gone to <br />the County and stated we have a problem with 10th Street and <br />request a 4-lane divided highway. Until I see what the plan the <br />County is proposing and what the City of Oakdale is willing to <br />give, I would be willing to hear the process out. <br />Mayor Johnson stated we allowed the County to begin the <br />process on the basis that the plan should be cut back from what <br />was proposed, and we requested the state allow us a 45 mph <br />parkway arrangement. He asked the vote be postponed until the <br />January 28th meeting so they can review the December 17th minutes <br />as to what was agreed upon. <br />The Mayor also suggested we formally ask the State for <br />traffic counts on Highway 5 and for accident stats at County Road <br />15. He is particularly concerned with County Road 17 where we <br />have been asking for a stop light. <br />
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