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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 21, 1992 10 <br />The City Staff had found that a number of other homes and <br />businesses in the area do not have sufficient room for a <br />drainfield. The staff conducted a survey to see if other property <br />owners would support a new community drainfield. The City <br />received seven responses to this survey, there was no objection <br />to this proposal and some support for it. The Building Official <br />did not look at the size of the lots throughout the residential <br />area to see if a drainfield could be built up to state and city <br />code. <br />Councilmen Johnson and Williams voiced their concern on where <br />this money would come from to do a feasibility study. <br />The Council asked that the Building Official go through the <br />building records and find which residents have pulled a permit <br />for a new septic system and add those to the systems that were <br />done on the 201 Program. This way you would know which ones are <br />left. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Mayor Johnson - the city staff be directed to send <br />letters to the remaining Old Village residents asking for their <br />interest in participating in any kind of program to aid in <br />failing or sub -standard systems, and to prepare a quote for a <br />feasibility study for the area served by the City water system. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. Sunfish Lake Underpass <br />At their January 13th meeting, the Parks Commission unanimously <br />turned down the proposal for a TH5 pedestrian/bicycle underpass <br />project for reasons stated in the Parks Commission letter dated <br />January 16, 1992 to the City Council and City Engineer. The <br />Commission recommended adding a separate bike trail along the <br />area to be improved with the hope it could be added to later. <br />Tom Prew reported he had talked to William Crawford, Chief <br />Engineer for the Metro District, who said an underpass could be <br />added on to the overall project. Mr. Crawford referred this <br />request to the State Aid Engineer to find out if this 5' trail <br />would be State Aid eligible. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Dick Johnson - to direct the City Engineer to engage <br />in correspondence with the Highway Dept. regarding a parallel <br />bike trail along State Highway 5 and to investigate the <br />possibility of a state grant for aid for developing a trail. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />As they did at their last meeting, the Council voiced strong <br />opposition to the State's removal of the large oak trees in front <br />of Shiltgen's farm. They understood that the project would <br />affect driveway access in the Old Village, such as, Brockman <br />Motors entrance across from Lake Elmo Avenue would be shut off, <br />and the Twin Point and 76 Station entrances will be narrowed to <br />32'. <br />