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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 4, 1992 2 <br />Mayor Johnson explained the names of the Advisory Committee <br />were made public record at a previous meeting and meetings <br />have never been closed. Due to the Chairman being out of <br />the Country, the committee has not met in the last three <br />months. The Council has asked the PZ to form a sub- <br />committee to act as a laison with this committee for the <br />purpose of passing information back and forth. He (Johnson) <br />has not yet seen that sub -committee. The names of the <br />Economic Advisory committee will be made available to Mr. <br />John. <br />5. OLD BUSINESS: <br />A. Clarification of Water Rate by the Finance Director <br />The Council's understanding at the last meeting was minimum <br />usage of $7.50 plus $11.00. Banister pointed out this would <br />mean the minimum would be 6,000 gallons a quarter, and there <br />are older residents in the City that do not use this much. <br />The minimum usage charge has always been $7.50 since 1962. <br />The way the resolution states the City would be charging <br />$18.50, $11.00 plus $7.50. <br />The Council agreed to change the minimum usage charge of <br />$7.50 per quarter to $2.50 so that the total minimum bill <br />would $13.50 per quarter. <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to reconsider Resolution No. 92-1 <br />establishing water service rates for the "Old Village" Water <br />system. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Williams/Mottaz - to approve Resolution No. 92-1, as <br />amended, (minimum usage charge of $2.50 per quarter). <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to reconsider Resolution No. 92-2, <br />establishing water service rates for the "Lake Jane" water <br />system. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />The Council agreed to change the minimum usage charge of <br />$7.50 per quarter to $2.50 so that the total minimum bill <br />would be $12.50 per quarter. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to approve Resolution No. 92-2, as <br />amended, (minimum usage charge of $2.50 per quarter). <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />