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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />FEBRUARY 4, 1992 3 <br />The Finance Director clarified the monthly bill of $162, <br />($2.00 per unit at 81 units) that Oakdale interprets the $2 <br />charge as their usage rate. Apartment buildings with 80 or <br />90 units are charged $2 per unit. Councilman Williams <br />referred to page 4 in the agreement (Item 6A-Rate charge to <br />Lake Elmo will be equal to the consumption rate charge to <br />Oakdale residents) and felt this $2 per month was not a <br />consumption rate, but a fixed charge. <br />The City Administrator and Attorney will look into this. <br />5B. Pay Eauity Implementation Report: <br />Administrator Kueffner reported she had taken the liberty of <br />having the Mayor sign the Pay Equity Implementation Report <br />and mailed it into the State to meet the deadline of January <br />31, 1992. <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Hunt - after the fact to direct the City <br />Administrator to send in the Pay Equity Implementation <br />Report and to have the Mayor sign the same. (Motion carried <br />5-0). <br />End -of -Year Financial Report: <br />The Council was presented the unaudited income and expense <br />statement for 1991. The Council will review this statement <br />and be ready to discuss the staff pay raise issue at the <br />next meeting. <br />6. PLANNING/LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Linder's Greenhouse: Amendment to CUP <br />(Continuation) <br />The Council amended Resolution 92-3 as follows: <br />Page 2: Insert: WHEREAS, the application has been favorably <br />reviewed by the City's Fire Chief and Washington County <br />Sheriff's Department; and <br />Condition 6: (1st sentence) ....lockers, each <br />measuring... <br />Page 3: Condition 8: Change date January 29, 1991 to <br />February 4, 1992. <br />Condition 10: Change date January 29, 1991 to <br />February 4, 1992. Changes to site plan: Trees should be <br />10-15' high. Mixed variety on the berm shall include some <br />shrubs. <br />Condition 11A. Add sentence: Linder's Greenhouse <br />Inc, will pay 1000 of the cost of calcium chloride and its <br />application. <br />