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02-04-92 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-04-92 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />FEBRUARY 4, 1992 4 <br />Condition 11B. Delete "of" in the second line. <br />Condition 11C. Delete the last sentence, "The <br />remaining 55% of the cost shall be paid for by other <br />benefitting property owners." <br />Page 4: Condition 11E. .....prior to a city decision to <br />order a road improvement, .... <br />Insert new Condition 12: The total impervious <br />surface area of this development, including all phases past, <br />present, and future, shall not exceed 25% of the 54 acre <br />parcel size. <br />Condition 12 becomes 13: <br />Condition 14: This Conditional Use Permit does not <br />include approval of any additional development. Additions <br />and changes to this Conditional Use Permit shall require a <br />CUP Amendment. <br />M/S/P Williams/Dick Johnson - to approve Resolution 92-3, as <br />amended, A Resolution granting a Conditional Use Permit to <br />Linder's Holding Company (d/b/a Linder's Greenhouses, Inc.) <br />to Allow Construction of Greenhouses. (Motion carried 3-2: <br />Mayor Johnson: When fully developed this will be almost as <br />large as the Maplewood Mall right in the middle of our city, <br />in an Ag area. The idea that we are going to see daisies <br />growing is insane --its going to be shinney glass and plastic <br />staring in our eyes. It is contrary to the interest of the <br />people in the City, particularly with the Regional Park <br />directly adjacent. There is no way this development can pay <br />for itself doesn't find any economic reasons for approval.; <br />Mottaz: He was greatly disappointed with a council that over <br />and over again made a commitment to the people of Lake Elmo <br />that it would endeavor to keep Lake Elmo open and rural, <br />which is what the people wanted, consistently approve <br />developments that allow for much greater use and expansion <br />of property than what is normally allowed for in the <br />regional zoning. I believe that to be the case in this <br />consideration --a very large commercial operation in the <br />middle of an Agricultural area.) <br />
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