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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 4, 1992 5 <br />B. Presentation on Ground Water Studies by Paul Brandt, <br />E&A. <br />Paul Brandt and George Johnson of E&A Environmental <br />Consultants, Inc. gave an introduction on E&A and a short <br />presentation on the possibility of obtaining grant funds to <br />do a comprehensive water study. <br />The Council will hold a joint meeting with the Planning <br />Commission at the PZ's regularly scheduled February 10th <br />meeting to discuss the benefits and impacts of such a study. <br />C. CITY PARK PLAN <br />Terry Boczek, 8110 DeMontreville Trail, voiced his concern <br />that Map No. 4 was not drawn with the consideration of the <br />new Standard No. 5. "Trailways shall be developed with <br />respect to topography, wetlands, natural land features and <br />wildlife habitat to minimize their impact on existing land <br />conditions." He would like to see an amendment made <br />concerning Map No. 4-Proposed Trailway System be reviewed <br />and redrawn taking into consideration Standard No. 5 and <br />consider what the environmental impact of these trails would <br />be on the northeast part of the lake. <br />Joe McGrath, 8120 DeMontreville Trail N., endorsed what <br />Terry had stated and appreciated the receptiveness of the <br />Council listening to their concerns. <br />Steve Nelson, 8080 DeMontreville Trail Circle N., stated <br />there should be another route because there are areas you <br />cannot physically put in a 5' trail without filling in the <br />lake. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Williams - direct the Park Commission to <br />restudy the trailway system and complete their study with <br />neighboring communities and come back with a modified plan <br />for a trailway system addressing the specific concerns on <br />narrow roads and other environmental impacts around the Tri- <br />Lakes area. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Feasibility Report for Old Village Drainfield <br />Systems <br />The Council suggested holding an informational meeting <br />informing the affected property owners that the City has a <br />project consisting of a feasibility study for a defined area <br />at a determined cost, but the construction phase would be at <br />an undetermined cost because we don't know what the land <br />acquisition costs would be. Each property owner would be <br />assessed some portion of the study which may rolled into an <br />actual project. <br />