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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 4, 1992 6 <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Williams - to hold an informational meeting on <br />the March 3rd Council meeting and to send out notices <br />indicating the purpose of this meeting is to explain the <br />proposal, approx. costs expected for the affected property <br />owners, excluding the propertyowners who are in the 201 <br />Project, in the area north of the tracks including the west <br />side of County Road 17 as outlined in the City Engineer's <br />memo dated January 29, 1992. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />The Council clarified that the considered study area for now <br />is north of the tracks of the Old Village area and the staff <br />should disregard the January 21st Council motion. <br />B. Partial Payment No. 3, Keys Well Drilling, <br />SW-1 Well Abandonment <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to approve Partial Payment No. 3, Keys <br />Well Drilling, in the amount of $4,815.35 be paid after <br />receiving payment from Washington County. (Motion carried <br />5-0). <br />8. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />Councilman Williams asked about the status of Parks <br />member, Jim Yarusso, as he had a poor attendance record on <br />the Parks Commission and the Administrator was directed to <br />send a letter asking him if he wished to continue. The <br />letter has been sent, but the City has not received a <br />response. Since we have not received a response, Williams <br />suggested we advertise for the position of second alternate <br />on the Parks Commission. <br />The Council asked this be made an agenda item for the <br />next meeting to enable the staff to prepare appropriate <br />motions and review requirements. <br />Williams indicated he did not receive a septic system <br />letter and voiced his concern, if he didn't receive one, <br />maybe other residents were missed. A copy of this letter <br />will be provided to Councilmen Williams and Mottaz. <br />Councilman Johnson explained that some time ago he <br />signed up for information on the Minnesota Dept. of Natural <br />Resources Tree Program. There is a total grant of $256,284 <br />to buy trees, but there are requirements that have to be <br />met. Requirements such as: meeting standards of Tree City <br />USA which means a Tree Board, Municipal Tree Ordinance, the <br />community spending $2 per capita on a forestry program, <br />contribute at least 50% of the total project cost, and the <br />city must utilize a small business contractor to plant trees <br />because this is a SBA program. <br />