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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 1, 1992 <br />C. Rezoning from RR to AG: Soderberg, etal, <br />Ordinance 8070 <br />D. CUP - Thomas Soderberg, etal, Resolution No 92-19 <br />MIS/ Mottaz/Mayor Johnson - to adopt Resolution No. 92-19 <br />approving the CUP for Thomas Soderberg for an Equestrian <br />Center <br />The Council discussed the CUP and changed the following <br />conditions: <br />M/S/F Williams/Hunt - to amend the motion to include the <br />following wording for Condition No. 5: <br />5. The maximum number of horses to be allowed on the site <br />at one time shall not exceed 50. After three years the <br />operator can petition for an amendment to the CUP. After <br />finding that the operation has fulfilled and complied with <br />all of the conditions of the permit, the city council may <br />grant an increase in the horse population up to 20 horses <br />per year to an absolute maximum of 140 horses. (Motion <br />failed 2-2: Mayor Johnson, Mottaz: The city has to come to a <br />decision on an ordinance controlling the number of horses we <br />will allow on any such facility and this is a good start. <br />The City.has to determine what is a reasonable number of <br />horses to allow on a piece of property.) <br />6. The City Council, if it finds that the existing use, <br />is detrimental to health, safety, convenience, morals or <br />general welfare of the community; or is causing serious <br />traffic congestion or hazards or is seriously depreciating <br />surrounding property values; or that such maximum use is no <br />longer in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the <br />City of Lake Elmo's Development Regulations and <br />Comprehensive Plan, may impose greater restrictions on the <br />number of horses allowed. <br />7. Liability Insurance - No commercial stable shall <br />operate unless there is in force and effect a liability <br />insurance policy in the amount of at least $500,000. <br />8. All non-residential buildings shall meet the following <br />setbacks from property lines: <br />a. front 100 ft. <br />b. side 50 ft. <br />C. to street side 100 ft. <br />d. any existing 250 ft. <br />residential structure <br />9. b. Buildings for housing horses should be constructed <br />of nonflammable material where possible. Other <br />material shall be treated with a flame retardant <br />material acceptable by the Code Enforcement <br />Officer and the Fire Chief. <br />