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02-02-93 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-02-93 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 2, 1993 3 <br />Filla would like to be in a position to convince them that <br />the impact on Olson Lake is as or more severe than allowing <br />a basement in a home to flood; therefore, they should <br />consider the other option of going north to the wetlands <br />even if it's on a temporary basis thru pumping that they can <br />control and monitor and get us thru the spring runoff so <br />that other possibilities can be explored. <br />Tom Prentice reported at the annual meeting of the Tri-Lakes <br />Assoc. it was their position the water did not go into Olson <br />Lake in the past and prefer that it doesn't in the future. <br />They don't have a strong position as to which alternative in <br />the future. They just don't want the watershed to look at <br />this issue as a short term emergency, but need to get a long <br />term solution. <br />Barb Walsh reported at the last VBWD it was brought to their <br />attention that there are two homes on Lake Olson at an <br />elevation at 932. About 8 years ago, Lake Elmo tried to run <br />a storm sewer into the water on Hill Trail and they were <br />covered with asphalt. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Conlin - to postpone further discussion on <br />this item and hold an Executive Session after adjournment. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />D. Snowmobiles <br />Washington County Deputy Mark Caroon, snowmobile patrol, <br />indicated he is spending an average between 2 and 3 days in <br />Lake Elmo, but has the entire county to cover. Part of the <br />licensing money that the DNR receives goes towards the <br />trails and part is suppose to go for enforcement, but the <br />County hasn't received money for the last 4 or 5 years. <br />Caroon indicated he would be hesitant to ask for assistance <br />from snowmobile clubs for patrolling. He suggested signs be <br />posted in front of the Twin Point that states "No <br />Snowmobiling" to combat snowmobiles from going on city hall <br />property. <br />Administrator Kueffner has sent a notice to Twin Point <br />Tavern, Lake Elmo Inn, North Star Snowmobile Club indicating <br />that the city has received many complaints from residents on <br />the blatant disrespect of snowmobile rules and regulations <br />effective in the city. The Council can ban their use on city <br />streets and they have indicated a willingness to do this if <br />this plea for compliance with city ordinance and regulations <br />are not adhered to. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Conlin - to direct the staff to write a letter <br />to the DNR asking that more of the licensing receipts be <br />designated specifically for enforcement by Washington <br />County. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />
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