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to I-494, eliminating the need for some of its residents to shop in Oakdale. Oakdale <br />has shopping malls on either side of CSAH 10, just west of I-694. The mall to the <br />north failed as the "Oakdale Outlet Mall" and was mostly vacated a second time in <br />anticipation of demolition in favor of a Walmart. This transfer was cancelled and <br />the mall remains largely vacant. Across the street to the south, a mall is <br />anchored by Rainbow Foods and K-Mart. The K-Mart has never generated traffic <br />anticipated by its parking lot, and the parking lot at the Rainbow has seen a <br />dramatic drop in traffic since a new Rainbow was built 4 miles to the south in <br />Woodbury. <br />In April 1993, all the land inside the MUSA on the south side of CSAH 10 from <br />Helmo Ave to Inwood has been changed in the Future Land Use Map from Urban <br />Office Commercial to Low Density Residential since being annexed from Lake <br />Elmo to Oakdale. The land outside the MUSA was shown on the Lake Elmo <br />Future Land Use Map as 3 acre residential. Oakdale is suggesting a golf course. <br />The net result will be reduced traffic increase on CSAH 10. <br />Traffic: <br />The Spring 1992 AADT on CSAH 10 between Helmo and CSAH 10, measured by <br />Strgar, Roscoe, Fausch was about 3,800. The September 1992 AADT measured by <br />the State of Minnesota was 4,650. Both traffic counts were omitted from Figure 1 <br />CSAH 10 AADT Counts and Trend Line in the S-R-F Study prepared for the <br />County. Instead, a 20 year projection for CSAH 10 traffic growth from CSAH 13 to <br />Helmo is provided by extrapolating 8 earlier counts starting with 2,900 in 1980 and <br />ending with 5,100 in 1990. The 2000 count is projected as 8,600 and 2010 as 11,500. <br />This is easily within the upper limits of a two lane road, especially if additional <br />turn lanes are provided. <br />However, the actual projection should not include traffic counts when <br />construction projects on County 14, Fourth Street, or I-94 were diverting traffic to <br />